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Weak eye


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Not weak eye but I felt like my vision was always blurry on adderall. Thought it was just my contacts not fitting right, but I've noticed my vision is a lot sharper and clearer now.

Not sure if related, but once I had this crazy vision experience where a bright color spectrum appeared in my field of vision and just shimmered for about 15 minutes. It happened while I was on adderall at work. Apparently it's a thing related to migraines although it didn't really feel like a headache.

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I dunno... I heard there is such thing as a mini stroke..... and a mini heart attack. Its probably just side effect weirdness though.

I've also had eye weirdness in general, blurriness, dilated pupils which make my eyes VERY sensitive to light and colors, and seen floating shiny purple specks on adderall. I also had migraines on adderall sometimes, so that makes sense with all the eye weirdness..... Yeah, it's better now.

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  On 2/19/2013 at 6:53 PM, Kyle_Chaos said:

My vision is also a lot better now, the medication combined with two days not sleeping made everything so blurry on certain occassions that I could barely read.

I'm probably just being a hypochondriac and the lazy eye is nothing to be concerned about.

What do you mean by a weak eye? Do you mean that one eyebrow droops more? Do you mean it has muscle twitches? Or do you mean it has weaker vision than the other eye?

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Definitely had eye problems on adderall - I don't miss the stinging or watery eyes or the "tears of acid" that someone else here talked about that I also experienced... but never had a "droopy eye" or lazy eye or whatever. I do have one eye that has more wrinkles around it than the other, which I'm told is normal.... but I don't think that's what you're complaining about!

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  On 2/19/2013 at 10:32 PM, ashley6 said:

I don't miss the bloodshot eyes or dilated pupils either. I think that probably only happens when you abuse it hardcore, but I look back at pictures and my pupils were the size of my eyeball....and I thought I was getting away with looking normal..yikes!

I NEVER had dilated pupils. When i abused ecstasy and adderall in high school i did, HUGE. But not once did i have dilated pupils during my year of abuse. Why do you think?
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