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Ok. Day One


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ok no more crack.

I started to take adderall in college to cram before big tests. No big deal at the time, maybe once every month. Then I got a job out of college which I hated so I got a script to 30mg a day. Magic! The job got better, and I slowly lost myself.

4 years later and I'm still working in similar job, but I've become a very bitter, unhappy, no since of humor-asshole.

....And it time for a change.

So today is my frist cold turkey day. I've stepped down to 15mg over the last 6 months so I'm hoping for the best with the cold turkey thing. My plan is to take it easy and maybe listen to some motivational audiobooks it's not a bad thing to have someone in your ear building you up. I'll try to keep writing if I can find the energy. I'm off to kick some drugfree ass, wish me luck! :D

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Day 2 and 3 - Guys things are not that bad without the little magic pills. In fact, I can feel some of my old self creeping back into my head. I'm not as productive at work, but who cares I hate what I'm doing anyway and that's the real problem. I feel tired but it hits heavy in waves. Which have been around 2 and 4 o'clock I have found that just closing my eyes for 5- 10 mins helps dramatically. I find that drinking a lot of water seems to help and watching sand-up to keep spirits up. Other that that things are good. B)

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