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hey guys. I am 22 years old and a college student. I am a biology major and plan on medical school. I have been taking adderall for a solid 4-5 years and have had enough. My grades have been good until i took organic chem and got a D in it even taking adderall. Adderall messes me up alot. I dont sleep, eat, socialize or even exercise. I really want to stop taking it but i keep reading peoples experience's about stopping it and they seem "out of it" for acouple weeks. My #1 problem is, I cant be "out of it" for school. Another problem is im scared to try going to school without it and not perform good. Does anyone have an suggestions or similar stories?


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When are you done with school? Can you maybe just try and taper down slowly until finals are over and then quit? If I had to do it again, I would definitely make sure I had a good week I could be totally lethargic and not expected to do a damn thing. :)

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When is school over?

I quit the beginning of my second semester. I have been doing the bare minimum, but i still get good grades.

Adderall doesn't give you intelligence or smarts, so you can still preform well without it.

Yes, you will be in an emotional funk and will be sleepy for the first week, but it's not like you will be brain dead.

You are probably more brain dead now, with the adderall, you just don't realize it.

Have faith. It's a rough road, but it is worth it.

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forget it. you don't need it. I would get off asap so you dont keep withering away your confidence of being able to perform without it. The process of that happening is more detrimental than any "perceived benefit" that adderall might give you. Lots of people are in your situation and they dont need anything.

You were once able to get a lot of shit done without adderall. Before you ever took it. bring that person back. Deadlines are great motivation. The thought of taking adderall to do school work is so ridiculous to me now. No pill is worth destroying your confidence in yourself. You will get stuff done because you have to. Because things are due, and you can do it adderall free.

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I took organic chem 1 and 2 evry day one summer. My friend and I ate tons of adderall and I did terrible. We would pull all nighters and I would "study", except I was too tweaked out and nervous and did even worse....I failed the 2nd part and had to retake it. It still didn't stop me from taking adderall. I know for a fact that ,by that point it was definitely not helping me w/ school. In my mind of course, I liked to tell myself it did. I'm in the same boat as you... still trying to fight this demon. I HAVE to quit but I am so scared to let it go... Sigh.

The main reason for me is severe chronic fatigue (possible narcolepsy). I am so afraid of living in a bed again, but willing to get a sleep study and do whatever it takes to live a normal life again... even if I have to be sleeping most of it ;) I need this forum more than ever!

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... still trying to fight this demon. I HAVE to quit but I am so scared to let it go... Sigh.

The main reason for me is severe chronic fatigue (possible narcolepsy). I am so afraid of living in a bed again, but willing to get a sleep study and do whatever it takes to live a normal life again... even if I have to be sleeping most of it ;) I need this forum more than ever!

Were you ever diagnosed with narcolepsy? that is one of the few disorders that nothing but a stimulant drug will treat. Were you ever diagnosed with chronic fatigue, or are you simply fearful of experiencing chronic fatigue if you go off adderall? You have been coming around here for a long time, waronwar. WHY do you HAVE to quit?

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I am going to school as well and am in the middle of coming off of it but my advice is just stop thinking about it. Honestly I have been through this process so many times and the number #1 thing I did was keep thinking about how I couldn't do it. How I would never be able to do all of this without adderall. I know deep down that is bullshit because your just as smart without the adderall but obviously the "rush" if you will on adderall gives you an such an excited feeling it makes you think your smarter and better than everyone else. But as long as you recognize that "hey I am just as capable of doing this, and am genuinely smart then this is totally possible". I have yet to find a way to explain in my head how this is all possible each time my brain craves an adderall, so I have found just not thinking about it the best. Just wake up everyday, don't be afraid to get distracted, dont be afraid to just get a little of work done, and realize each day you at least sit down and do 5 minutes of work your that much closer to your ultimate goal (regain your self-control to work, etc.). So whatever you do don't fixate your mind on how much better you are "on it" and how this will never work. Just first things first, remind yourself why your doing this in the first place, and know that your not going back. I am about 45 days clean myself, and the one thing I still tell myself everyday when I go through these "mind games" of wanting adderall is that number #1, I will never take that little pill again under any circumstances. Also drink yerba mate, go to the gym, and just force yourself to go to the library (its better than at your house). On adderall I always worked at home but now I can't ever do anything unless I go to the library.

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school isnt over for like another 2-3 months. i have an organic chem exam the 27th so i should start studying for that now. i was thinking maybe i can take adderall only like 2 days a week and just study HARD those 2 days....

That will never work and will only put you further behind. Not to mention it will reassure yourself that your only able to do school work with adderall. I know exactly how your feeling but your obviously closer than ever your on this site, so why stop now? If your anything like me or a lot of people on this site those two adderalls will not fulfill the needs you want it too. I see where your coming from just two a week and for those two days you do actual work, just on a little adderall. Been there done that, doesn't work (for me at least). If your still clean you should try and stay clean, its the best option. Good luck you can do it!!
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That will never work and will only put you further behind. Not to mention it will reassure yourself that your only able to do school work with adderall. I know exactly how your feeling but your obviously closer than ever your on this site, so why stop now? If your anything like me or a lot of people on this site those two adderalls will not fulfill the needs you want it too. I see where your coming from just two a week and for those two days you do actual work, just on a little adderall. Been there done that, doesn't work (for me at least). If your still clean you should try and stay clean, its the best option. Good luck you can do it!!

Well said. Lots of people think that taking adderall like is like drinking a (really strong) cup of coffee. You can't just take a pill for 2 or 3 days and expect to do that on a weekly or monthly basis and it's ok. Sooner or later if you have an addictive mindset you're going to end up addicted (especially if you have chronic tiredness). Sorry but it's going to get much harder to quit the longer you delay it.

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I took organic chem 1 and 2 evry day one summer. My friend and I ate tons of adderall and I did terrible. We would pull all nighters and I would "study", except I was too tweaked out and nervous and did even worse....I failed the 2nd part and had to retake it. It still didn't stop me from taking adderall. I know for a fact that ,by that point it was definitely not helping me w/ school. In my mind of course, I liked to tell myself it did. I'm in the same boat as you... still trying to fight this demon. I HAVE to quit but I am so scared to let it go... Sigh.

The main reason for me is severe chronic fatigue (possible narcolepsy). I am so afraid of living in a bed again, but willing to get a sleep study and do whatever it takes to live a normal life again... even if I have to be sleeping most of it ;) I need this forum more than ever!

Warn war, u have been on these forums for years now. I feel terrible you haven't been able to quit. Surely seeing so many of us go through the same terrified feelings you are going through and managing to successfully quit for good must give you the confidence that it will be okay. What are you still doing on the 'trapped in adderall world' side? You need to hurry up and quit and join us in the 'successfully quit' side.

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I took organic chem 1 and 2 evry day one summer. My friend and I ate tons of adderall and I did terrible. We would pull all nighters and I would "study", except I was too tweaked out and nervous and did even worse....I failed the 2nd part and had to retake it. It still didn't stop me from taking adderall. I know for a fact that ,by that point it was definitely not helping me w/ school. In my mind of course, I liked to tell myself it did. I'm in the same boat as you... still trying to fight this demon. I HAVE to quit but I am so scared to let it go... Sigh.

The main reason for me is severe chronic fatigue (possible narcolepsy). I am so afraid of living in a bed again, but willing to get a sleep study and do whatever it takes to live a normal life again... even if I have to be sleeping most of it ;) I need this forum more than ever!

I can relate to the fear of fatigue. Feeling tired all the time was my main impetus for getting a prescription, and my main trigger for relapsing. What's the underlying cause of your fatigue? Is it medical or psychosomatic? My underlying issue was boredom, lack of stimulation, and too much meat and dairy consumption. My diet is much healthier now, mostly vegan with meat or fish once or twice a week and tons of veggies. Lots of beans. Almond milk instead of milk. You get the picture.

No doubt you will be fatigued when you quit. Unbearably, and for a long time. But not forever. The day I took my last pill I said to my husband, "well, this is it. I'm going to be exhausted for the next year." He laughed. I wasn't joking. I expected to be tired for a year, so when I had a fairly decent, consistent energy level after six months or so, I was pleasantly surprised. Lower your expectations, make healthy food choices, and give it at least a year. That's how I got through.

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Me as well. I was really afraid of the fatigue but you just have to go through it and then it will be over. It's not chronic fatigue syndrome. It's just that your body has adapted to the adderall as your energy source. I'm sure you know that. The fatigue doesn't last forever though! You will rebuild. I am sure you are dealing with fatigue all the time anyway, when you are running out of adderall. When you quit, you gain a much more consistent level of energy. That for me is one of the best parts if quitting! My energy is no longer dependent on my adderall supply..I'm not supercharged then crash...supercharged then crash...rinse repeat.

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I'll third that. I was dreading being tired constantly, and there's no doubt you will...for awhile. I loved being up all hours of the night. Now, that sounds so unappealing to me. You'll learn to value your sleep. I can't stress enough how much exercise has helped my energy levels. My mom used to preach and preach about how much better and less tired I'd feel if I got some good exercise in. She was right.

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Hee hee... this forum is great! Have I been on here for years? I know I have been a long time and yes, I have wanted to quit for a long time b/c I knew I was abusing my meds.

I do have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I'm the one w/ a multitude of not so fun health issues that are difficult to treat. I just got married and so I just got insurance again and my doctor's all agree that I do a sleep study to see what is going on. Before I was prescribed Adderall (almost ten yrs ago) I slept ALL the time. My boyfriend at the time did not understand it... it was not depression although I suffer from it from time to time. I have always been SO tired. So adderall was the greatest for me. All the sudden I wa functional and like any addict, if some was good more seemed like better. Of course it's not, but it was so nice to be able to do things and not feel handicapped.

Why do I "have to quit"? Because I just got married to the most wonderful person ever and I am ready to try and have kids. Because I am a little older (35) and b/c of my health and family history I am worried about getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. Being on this crap is not good for my health but I am just scared. I tak to my husband about it, but I know he doesn't fully understand. I am prepared but like I said it's a crutch. I'm scared of being fatigued on top of the decade long dependence... I literally fear disability at this point... I know unless I get a good doctor who understands fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue and get a sleep study then I can expect more of the same. I have to grow up and if I have a disability I have to accept it and make my life work the best it can w/out the crap (adderall) ;)

Thank you all for your support!

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I'm in my 30s too and I have more energy now than I did when I started adderall in my 20s. Your body and brain and hormones change. Your natural energy levels might be totally different this decade, especially since aspects of your life have changed, i.e. marriage. You won't know until you abstain from drugs for a long period of time. Adderall makes everything worse over the long term, energy and quality of sleep included.

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Yes... it does make everything worse and unfortunately my energy was super low in my 20s and younger... I have autoimmune markers also. I know I am just going to have to do it and make it through the hard times. Exercise is key for me too and I know I will ahve to enlist a couple friends that "get it" and ask for support a lot.

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I know I am just going to have to do it and make it through the hard times.

When? You were gonna quit before you got married. It will be a lot easier for you if you didn't wake up pregnant and realize you have no other choice but to quit....but maybe that is the kind of spur you really need?

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Hee hee... this forum is great! Have I been on here for years? I know I have been a long time and yes, I have wanted to quit for a long time b/c I knew I was abusing my meds.

I do have chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I'm the one w/ a multitude of not so fun health issues that are difficult to treat. I just got married and so I just got insurance again and my doctor's all agree that I do a sleep study to see what is going on. Before I was prescribed Adderall (almost ten yrs ago) I slept ALL the time. My boyfriend at the time did not understand it... it was not depression although I suffer from it from time to time. I have always been SO tired. So adderall was the greatest for me. All the sudden I wa functional and like any addict, if some was good more seemed like better. Of course it's not, but it was so nice to be able to do things and not feel handicapped.

Why do I "have to quit"? Because I just got married to the most wonderful person ever and I am ready to try and have kids. Because I am a little older (35) and b/c of my health and family history I am worried about getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. Being on this crap is not good for my health but I am just scared. I tak to my husband about it, but I know he doesn't fully understand. I am prepared but like I said it's a crutch. I'm scared of being fatigued on top of the decade long dependence... I literally fear disability at this point... I know unless I get a good doctor who understands fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue and get a sleep study then I can expect more of the same. I have to grow up and if I have a disability I have to accept it and make my life work the best it can w/out the crap (adderall) ;)

Thank you all for your support!

hey have you looked into being allergic to gluten at all? It has similar symptoms- chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are both listed as symptoms. I have been vegitarian/ veganish since sept of 2012 (mostly) and have had horrible GI issues that I thought were my body adjusting... but have been thinking that maybe I am allergic to wheat gluten. I too am often fatigued after eating, and I thought the after lunch naps were me coming off the addy and weed and cigs, but now I think it might be the fucking bread.... you might look into it if you haven't. I'm going to try laying off the gluten and products that contain gluten. Gluten allergies are the new ADD, f'in everyone's got it it seems. 10 years ago, who the hell had gluten allergies???

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I started rationing my carbs about three months ago. No sugars. No milk. No foods containing flour. No chips or crackers. No beer. And when it comes to rice, beans and spuds, I try to stick with ONE "serving size" as listed on the package or in the book. I have never felt better and had more energy! No more naps! I do (sometimes) eat cream of wheat cereal, which is loaded with glutens, and feel OK. Refined, processed carbs are bad news.

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hey have you looked into being allergic to gluten at all? It has similar symptoms- chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are both listed as symptoms. I have been vegitarian/ veganish since sept of 2012 (mostly) and have had horrible GI issues that I thought were my body adjusting... but have been thinking that maybe I am allergic to wheat gluten. I too am often fatigued after eating, and I thought the after lunch naps were me coming off the addy and weed and cigs, but now I think it might be the fucking bread.... you might look into it if you haven't. I'm going to try laying off the gluten and products that contain gluten. Gluten allergies are the new ADD, f'in everyone's got it it seems. 10 years ago, who the hell had gluten allergies???

HA. I wonder if years later we are going to look back at ADD as just a 'trend' back in the 90's and 2000's...

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