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Injuries happen


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Warning, slightly gross....

Today, I sliced my finger open while making breakfast. Pretty deep, and in the thick part. Sliced it almost all the way to the bone, I could see inside the muscles and whatever. It was bleeding and painful and hurt really weird and I had to go get stitches. It was really scary, seeing the cross section of my flesh like that.

Went to the urgent care and got 3 or 4 stitches.

All I can say is, THANK GOD I wasn't still taking adderall. In the past I would have popped a couple pills in bed before breakfast. It would have been just kicking in when I sliced open my hand, and starting to peak out during the stitching process.....the freakout and adrenaline would have been around 10000000000x worse, and OF COURSE the doctors would have questioned why my blood pressure was through the roof, and I wouldn't have been able to answer honestly.

I always used to worry about what would happen if I got injured while taking adderall. I have a major doctor phobia and on top of that, adderall is, err, not on my records. Today, I was able to just go to the doctor like a normal human being. WOW, imagine that!!!

Back in the rabbit hole, I never went to doctors. Ever. I didn't want to deal with it, account for it, I didn't want to know. But now, maybe I'll make some other checkup appointments now that I'm off it and on a pathway towards better health.

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Ouch! I was totally the same way about doctors. Especially because of the blood pressure thing. One time I had a routine appointment to get a birth control prescription, but my blood pressure was too high. Apparently birth control increases BP too so they were concerned. I had to go back twice more in two weeks just for a BP check before they would give me a prescription. And I was so annoyed because I couldn't take adderall on those days.

I also worried about getting into a freak accident like a car crash and then my boyfriend/parents going through my things and finding my adderall prescription, which they didn't know about. Hated the idea of them thinking, "did we even know her?"

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Oh you poor thing - that sounds painful! However are you managing to type?! Yes it's lucky you weren't on adderall when that happened, I can only imagine that would have sent you in to a headachy panic, with dry mouth immediately, hands shaking, not knowing what to do first, whom to call, running around in a frenzy. Instead you calmly took yourself off to the doctor where you needed to be and had no qualms being up front or second guessing why they were asking you questions. It's such a nicer world to live in, even when shitty things do occur.

Rest up! Take tylenol and drink hot tea... I'm so sorry to hear about your booboo finger...

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