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Mood Help for Trying to Quit with Young Kiddos

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I have been lurking on this site for years and have followed many successful and impressive people on here reach major milestones. I so badly want to be off of this drug but can only string a few days together at a time before I almost feel “itchy” and run back to my psychiatrist for a script who tells me not to be so hard on myself for taking 10mgs per day. What I struggle with the most is how incredibly impatient I get with my kids when I don’t take it. They are so young and deserve a good mama. That’s one of my adderall hang ups. That it makes me more patient with them. But I don’t want them to have an adderallic mom. I feel like I try so hard to do all of the right things to get off of this drug. I eat gluten free, 75 percent dairy free, hardly drink or go out, meditate almost daily, workout 4-5x per week, have done tons of research and journaling about quitting, read this website for years on end. It’s incredible and nails everything. But mostly you all are who come back to share your success.  I’ve read so much quit lit (Annie Grace is a new fave), watched videos on TikTok. There is a girl who talks about sobriety from alcohol mostly but in one of her videos she talks about how adderall was the hardest to quit most of all. I wish she would talk more about that. It’s wild to me how she posts so much about quitting alcohol when she says adderall was the hardest to kick! 
Anywho, if there are any moms out there who have advice or can tell me how long I will snap at my kids before they get their mom back I would really appreciate it. I take this pill and am nice to my kids but mean and petty about everything else in life. It makes me a robot and I know that but at least I am able to take care of them when I have some in my system. I sometimes tell myself I am prepping for the big day when I’ve finally, finally had enough and can be the person I dream of being and quit. I am learning that talking to myself kindly will help. I’ve made a lot of positive changes I just have to keep going. Thanks for listening to me ramble I can’t wait to post on here one day that I’ve done it for good! 

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1 hour ago, Hopefulily said:

I have been lurking on this site for years and have followed many successful and impressive people on here reach major milestones. I so badly want to be off of this drug but can only string a few days together at a time before I almost feel “itchy” and run back to my psychiatrist for a script who tells me not to be so hard on myself for taking 10mgs per day. What I struggle with the most is how incredibly impatient I get with my kids when I don’t take it. They are so young and deserve a good mama. That’s one of my adderall hang ups. That it makes me more patient with them. But I don’t want them to have an adderallic mom. I feel like I try so hard to do all of the right things to get off of this drug. I eat gluten free, 75 percent dairy free, hardly drink or go out, meditate almost daily, workout 4-5x per week, have done tons of research and journaling about quitting, read this website for years on end. It’s incredible and nails everything. But mostly you all are who come back to share your success.  I’ve read so much quit lit (Annie Grace is a new fave), watched videos on TikTok. There is a girl who talks about sobriety from alcohol mostly but in one of her videos she talks about how adderall was the hardest to quit most of all. I wish she would talk more about that. It’s wild to me how she posts so much about quitting alcohol when she says adderall was the hardest to kick! 
Anywho, if there are any moms out there who have advice or can tell me how long I will snap at my kids before they get their mom back I would really appreciate it. I take this pill and am nice to my kids but mean and petty about everything else in life. It makes me a robot and I know that but at least I am able to take care of them when I have some in my system. I sometimes tell myself I am prepping for the big day when I’ve finally, finally had enough and can be the person I dream of being and quit. I am learning that talking to myself kindly will help. I’ve made a lot of positive changes I just have to keep going. Thanks for listening to me ramble I can’t wait to post on here one day that I’ve done it for good! 

I just want to say that I feel the same way! Ive been on and off (mainly off for 5 years) I have 4 months off completely. I have been taking more time for myself, ie working out, meditation and baths, which has really helped! Some days are easier than others. 

I just wanted to tell you that your not alone! I havent visited this site in a while. Just had a whim to look tonight. Anyways, best of wishes to you! Solidarity and our kids deserve a mom who can feel and function not one who is a zombie! So grateful to have non-adderall induced energy these days! 

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Way to go on 4 months!!! Your last line is my glimmer of hope! Thank you so much for sharing and posting a response! I really appreciate it. Did you do anything special in the mornings to wake up before your kids and get yourself ready to tackle the day? I am sooo grateful for my kids but they are 7,5,4 and 1.5. They are adhd high energy like me lol. When I wake up before them I’m ok. When I push snooze and wake up with them it’s pure chaos and I can’t get my brain right. Hence the quick so called “fix”

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Thank you!! 


Most days I try to wake up 15 minutes before the kids to have my coffee and sit in peace. Sometimes it is get up and go though! Exercise, walks and short meditations throughout the day have been a saving grace! Every day and situation I go through adderall free I feel a little bit stronger.

Hope that helps!

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