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Postcard from hell

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I am in the midst if finals and just wanted to drop a postcard from hell!! I have slept like 1 hour a night. Just working non stop. Today we had a group presentation that was 50% of our grade and we were so stressed, i think with good reason, and we were like fighting for no reason...because we were so stressed. I think it went ok. Have you seen the apprentice? not the celebrity one.the one with regular people. life has been like that. because i have huge projects and presentations but with different teams for different classes. todays presentation, We did it on a restaurant and we brought tons of foods and gave away prizes and we showed lots of videos and we did a sketch and we dressed up in costume and all this stuff...it was so obvious how badly we wanted the A.

I realized I get really nervous during presentations. But I took a Xanax before my presentation and i felt it transformed me into a relax person. Amd saved me from buckling in the presentation. And I was able to do well. But that was my last one.left..!

I am surprised I am surviving all this duress and the paws actually hasn't been that bad. Definitely feel stronger. Every now and then I just stop and think...wow I'm able to do this all on my own...adderall free.. Am now going to sleep for a little and then start preparing for several exams and papers due...very soon.

For sure am seeing this as a rebuilding process..for those just quitting..,there was a time where I couldnt lift a finger without popping adderall first...so it gets better.

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Good work, InRecovery. This was a test of your capabilities for sure, and you did it. Very proud of you, my friend . It stressed me out just reading all you had to do....ha. I bet you feel so accomplished (and sleep-deprived). You should reward yourself with something you enjoy when it's all said and done.

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In Recovery, what an encouraging post! I can tell you from experience that all this stress and pressure and having to go from content to testing to content to testing is a good replica of the real world, as well you know. So much of what you are learning is resilience and consistency; a leadership trait that will last for the rest of your life. And it may have taken a huge amount for you to get there, but no one can take this away from you. Congratulations!!!

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Ahhh.finished. I can't believe I expended so much mental energy, duress, sleep deprivation and working outside of my comfort zone without any reliance on adderall!!!

.I feel like I need to absorb that. I spent a lot if energy unlearning the association of life stressors and adderall..there is actually a term for this...it is called associative loss theory....

Anyway, today almost feels as momentous as going 1 year and 2 years free of adderall...

Right now all the grad students are going out to a bar...but I just want to sit here and decompress...

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I am in the midst if finals and just wanted to drop a postcard from hell!! I have slept like 1 hour a night. Just working non stop. Today we had a group presentation that was 50% of our grade and we were so stressed, i think with good reason, and we were like fighting for no reason...because we were so stressed. I think it went ok. Have you seen the apprentice? not the celebrity one.the one with regular people. life has been like that. because i have huge projects and presentations but with different teams for different classes. todays presentation, We did it on a restaurant and we brought tons of foods and gave away prizes and we showed lots of videos and we did a sketch and we dressed up in costume and all this stuff...it was so obvious how badly we wanted the A.

I realized I get really nervous during presentations. But I took a Xanax before my presentation and i felt it transformed me into a relax person. Amd saved me from buckling in the presentation. And I was able to do well. But that was my last one.left..!

I am surprised I am surviving all this duress and the paws actually hasn't been that bad. Definitely feel stronger. Every now and then I just stop and think...wow I'm able to do this all on my own...adderall free.. Am now going to sleep for a little and then start preparing for several exams and papers due...very soon.

For sure am seeing this as a rebuilding process..for those just quitting..,there was a time where I couldnt lift a finger without popping adderall first...so it gets better.

We bombed it and my overall final grade dropped a full letter grade. I have no idea what happened???!!

Our feedback is that it was our final paper more than our presentation that contributed to it. Oh well, I absorbed it yesterday and I'm over it. Our team members comisserated with each other. It is what it is and it stinks.

Anyway, The rest of my grades are trickling in. I will find out soon if I made a high enough GPA to keep the scholarship. I need a 3.25. I hate the waiting part.

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Glad to hear that. It could also be much less stressful without having to always worry about that almighty GPA. In my opinion it is having the degree that matters most. i was always a B student overall, I don't think GPA really matters much once you get out of college.

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QO, I have to disagree. Most entry level post grad programs ask for GPA these days. It's not great but it happens. The market for good entry level positions for MBAs is so fierce and unless you go to an Ivy League school, it can be really tough (and very expensive) to get by on an average GPA.

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Yeah, I have thought about this....See, This is espcially why my scholarship is so important. because If i end being one of the statistics of MBAs who is unable to get a job after completing a costly MBA program...

well, then at least I didn't throw away too much money in the process. :P

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