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I am also glad to see activity in the supplements region.

I have never tried choline. I am going to have to look into this instead of preworkout energy boosts. I actually bought an entire box of 5 hour energies online because they were on sale for 1 buck a bottle instead of two. One of my classmates says these things are addictive. Energy drinks too. He keeps warning me every time he sees me with a rock star in my hand (and that is often) He said he got addicted to energy drinks , using them as pre workout drinks, but eventually without them he would crash and he couldn't even go to class the next day. So he stayed on them through finals and quit ..as soon as finals was over.

He says only do 5 hour energies when they don't have as much of the crash /addictive feature. Not sure how to find that. Anyway. .does that sound kind of familiar? Hmmm...Dont know...Do you guys think 5 hour energy or energy drinks can be addictive?

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I don't know the answer to that...good question. I personally love red bull, and I have one in hand right now, but I don't even get much energy from them anymore. I look at it as a bad habit, and I get more energy from coffee than energy drinks. I think since we've had a stimulant addiction, energy drinks don't do for us what they do for other people...for me personally anyway. Yes, they're not good for you, but other than that, I just don't see it as a problem. Am I in denial over my energy drink addiction? Ha.

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I am in agreement with the "habit" theory but would not label it as good or bad as long as it's not speed :rolleyes:

Red bull only has around 80 mg caffeine per 8 oz can. The monster's and 5-hour energy's you can find on a website about caffeine content called energyfiend.com. The thing that wierds me out about energy drinks is that you don't know what's in their "proprietary formulas." Not unlike supplements ...

I guess it always preferable to get supplementation from natural sources like food rather than manufactured, but that's not always possible, especially when it comes to energy.

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I absolutely love the new blueberry Red Bulls. I rarely drink them, because the brain is like a battery.. if you have a boost then it's going to leave you with a deficit. I always feel completely bland and out of it when they wear off, you always pay a price :)

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Well said Kyle.

Weird thing that happened to me while I was overseas - I felt like I was eating a lot, dinners every night and I was really exhausted; but I didn't really drink diet coke and I never had a red bull the whole time I was there because it was hard to find. And I came back 5lbs lighter! I was just drinking espresso and trying to not feel bloated.

I do think Red Bull and 5 hr energy isn't a long term solution. I do think that the amount of sugar and sugar substitutes (which are in great measure in red bull) aren't in general a good idea.

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I don't know the answer to that...good question. I personally love red bull, and I have one in hand right now, but I don't even get much energy from them anymore. I look at it as a bad habit, and I get more energy from coffee than energy drinks. I think since we've had a stimulant addiction, energy drinks don't do for us what they do for other people...for me personally anyway. Yes, they're not good for you, but other than that, I just don't see it as a problem. Am I in denial over my energy drink addiction? Ha.

I am starting to get concerned about my red bull habit too. I buy it by the case at Cosco, the sugar free kind. the total zero flavor really sucks. I have become a daily user of it. I like to slam a red bull mid-afternoon, or after getting off work , or mix redbull with grapefruit juice and vodka into a drink I call the Grey Bull (a greyhound +) - it is both delicious and nutritious. Any way, I am going through a case of regular sized cans every 2-3 weeks, is that excessive?

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I have discovered the best tasting energy drinks. These Starbucks things are not coffee but like refreshing coolers. They are made from green coffee extract.


This and a combination of power naps and five hour energies have been helping me through this week ( but I do feel a crash from the five hour energies?.or maybe I'm just sleep deprived.? ( Probably just sleep deprived.)

ONE MORE FINAL EXAM TO GO!!! I can see the finish line...

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I am starting to get concerned about my red bull habit too. I buy it by the case at Cosco, the sugar free kind. the total zero flavor really sucks. I have become a daily user of it. I like to slam a red bull mid-afternoon, or after getting off work , or mix redbull with grapefruit juice and vodka into a drink I call the Grey Bull (a greyhound +) - it is both delicious and nutritious. Any way, I am going through a case of regular sized cans every 2-3 weeks, is that excessive?

I started using a lot of 5 hour energies during finals and something felt really wrong about it. I understand your concern. I had bought a box of 5 hour energies md looking at the huge case of them about 30 of them, something felt wrong about having it. Part of me thinks if anyone is going to have issues with these kinds of things it would be people like us because we've shown in the past how we were unable to control ourselves.

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Its funny...but I completely lost my taste for 5 hour energy last summer and have never really desired it since then. I have tried different variations of it (the dollar store kind) but there is nothing about it that keeps me going back to it. There is nothing about the taste of 5 hour energy that is desirable...in fact they have a nasty chemical flavor.

Red Bull is something else. I love the way it tastes. I would like to try the blueberry flavor but never seen it yet. Not sure I can see a downside to red bull except the expense and possibly a mild addiction to the taurine and caffeine.

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Its funny...but I completely lost my taste for 5 hour energy last summer and have never really desired it since then. I have tried different variations of it (the dollar store kind) but there is nothing about it that keeps me going back to it. There is nothing about the taste of 5 hour energy that is desirable...in fact they have a nasty chemical flavor.

Red Bull is something else. I love the way it tastes. I would like to try the blueberry flavor but never seen it yet. Not sure I can see a downside to red bull except the expense and possibly a mild addiction to the taurine and caffeine.

Yes. They really do not taste good. I dilute mine in water and then it tastes like flavored water which is better. But I do not enjoy drinking them straight up.

I really want to try blueberry redbulll now!

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I was just shopping in Costco today and saw the flavored red bull drinks. they have a 12 variety- pack with blueberry, lime, and a red (berry?)flavor. Unfortunately, they all contained sugar so I just bought TWO CASES of the sugar free kind. They also had those starbucks refreshers drinks you mentioned, and I have also tried them and found them to be delicious. But, they too contain sugar. I am absolutely against ANY added sugar in anything I consume.

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