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I’ve got 2 months!


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Congrats on two months and appreciate the update! Having read your updates from when you first started posting, I can tell you are making progress. Sounds like you are in the right mind space about your recovery, taking it day by day, not expecting any quick fixes but willing to put in work to get there. Good job on addressing the other pills. For me, quitting adderall was the major hurdle but quitting ambien really completed the picture. Anyway, glad you're here!

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A big congratulations on 2 months! I'm continually impressed by how self-aware and patient you are....that is what recovery is all about. It's a tough road, but you seem to be using all of the right tools. I'm proud of you and your commitment to a happier, more peaceful life that is found in recovery.

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Congratulations on 2 months Jon!  I feel your pain regarding getting rid of the pills.  I thought about doing it last night and couldn't bring myself to do it.  You would think that laying in bed with them 2 feet away that it would be a simple task just to pick them up and bring them to the bathroom but I just couldn't do it.

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Congrats man. Are quit dates are pretty close. I've really enjoyed your posts over the last few months.  I look forward to celebrating 3 months, 6 months etc .. with you. As for you stash I think you should in case in concrete and throw it in a lake. Or pack them into some fireworks. 

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Congratulations on 2 months Jon! I have read your other topic describing your story and I have complete faith that you succeed in staying quit. The fact that you're a huge reader will definitely help you and your recovery in a number of ways. It will help to keep your mind sharp and working efficiently. Things you read will be able to help change your paradigms you have in your life because in order to live life off of adderall, you must slowly change your paradigms and think differently than you used to. Also, I love how you related your 30 minute speed walk to putting coins in your recovery bank. I am reading "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" right now by Stephen Covey and he has used similar metaphors which have been really helpful for me. Anyways, 2 months is still early and you will continue to notice significant improvements every month. Although you may have a ways to go, just know that the first 2 months is harder than any other month of recovery. You have made it two months and that's HUGE! As far as getting rid of your pills goes, do it! They're garbage to you. They're worthless. If you don't feel comfortable handling them then perhaps wait another couple months and see how you feel. Congratulations again man, I am confident that you will figure everything out and have a successful recovery.



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Thank you everyone. Cat, Ashley, blesbro, LILTEX, Zerokewl, 1 bad88. Your input is important to me andI appreciate you taking the time to drop me a line. I wish we could be in a circle together.


All the best to you,


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