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QuittingAdderall.com Forums

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He can't refill it over the phone or if it's 2-3 days early. Harsh restrictions on Adderall -- especially with particular doctors, pharmacies and insurance companies. In most countries it's illegal -- Adderall is in the same category as illicit, non-medical drugs like heroin and LSD.


How early are you asking the doctor? Or is it just over the phone? If it's early, he/she most likely (about 98.7%) thinks you're abusing it, and because withdrawal is not life-threatening (other than wanting to kill yourself here and there), they won't care and will refuse to refill it. And the more this happens, the more likely they will permanently stop prescribing it--or any controlled substance--to you.


If it's just a phone thing, you'll have to go see them in person to obtain a physical script. If it's early or whatever, explain the situation, but be honest. Psychiatrists are trained to evaluate body language and speech to determine symptoms (including drug-seeking behavior).


Prayers with you, friend. I understand, for the most part, how you feel. Keep us updated.

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sassygurl it sounds like you are undecided whether to quit using Adderall it also sounds like your jest waiting for your next refill .You need to make up your mind  quit now or keep on using. Adderall is a very powerful drug and it will eventually do you in its jest a mater of time .Your Tolerance level for Adderall will   keep on going up and you will need more and more of it for the  to have any effect on you energy level. So get of the fence make up your mind you have a good start 3 days without addarall is good start if you can jest hold out for another 3 days you will feel a little better as you have ben reading full recovery takes time it is a commitment and  will power . Good luck I hope you make the wright choice  we are heir for you .



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No my dr that rxed it is my primary dr he had me on it the past three years. He doesnt want to write controlled stubstances. I never fill it early. Im usually late since i forget my pills home alot. Im feeling better even though ive forgotten alot of things at work. I love being off my meds but my job and my home life suffer alot.

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Hey sassygurl, have you decided to quit taking adderall? It's a big decision, and one only you can make. I understand, I was on it for 9 years, with my doses gradually increased. After years of denial I finally got sick of the way it was making me feel, the anxiety it was causing and my social life took a toll. Of course I am going to encourage you to read up on the many reasons to stay off of adderall, but know we are all here for you regardless of your decision to quit or not. Best of luck!

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