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Getting rid of the world I built on adderall does not come easy. Each day is a struggle. Still I know my worth and the value of that worth, which is why I will continue to fight on until this battle is won!

From the makers of "The 30 Day Challenge, " lol..

I present to you, "The 60 Day Challenge!!" This idea is the brainchild of myself and a good friend who goes by the name of Lunax on this Site.

The format is simple, as it is merely a continuation of "The 30 Day Challenge!!" The 60 day challenge is designed just as the 30 day to keep those taking it mindful and accountable, while feeling supported, on a daily basis, along the road to recovery.

This challenge does not take away from the 30 day, instead it makes room for more people to join the fitting "category," while we continue to check in with and support each other.

If this in any shape or form resonates with you, do not be shy, feel free to create your own version of this same challenge or won't you join us right here in taking "THE 60 DAY CHALLENGE!"

Here are the easy to follow guidelines:

-Daily (preferably) log into this site, this forum, and simply "CONFIRM" or "DeNY" your ability to abstain from adderall for that day.

Ex: Day 39: Confirmed!

See..Easy as pie. Lol. Well for now I will leave you this, "What matters most is not how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up! "

Also, for those entering this second leg of the journey, you may have begun to develop a few new "healthy habits," feel free to list those here, eg., diet, supplement tips, or maybe a new workout plan.

Til next time, If not good, may you be Well!

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I believe you have come up with a very successful strategy for quitting and accountability. I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of your efforts. You have been hanging around here for a long time and you seem to be finding the right strategy for long term quitting success...one day, one month, one "60 days" at a time. You Go!

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Btw The last couple of days and nights have been amazing! I have been sleeping well at night, then in a positive space during the day, not sure if the two are correlated; but I thought this was worth a mention. I even excercised for 20min on the treadmill after work today! Yay me!

Also, my internet will be back on tomorrow! So, I will be able to check in more often.

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Haha thanks for the shout out lunax!! Can't believe I've made it to day 30. Never thought in a million years I would be off my adderall this long. I had a good day yesterday, hoping to have another good day today. I'm taking it day by day, my moods have been like a roller coaster. I'm assuming that's normal. On to the 60 day challenge! :)

Congrats on day 37 FW! That's awesome!! Glad you've been getting some better sleep and feeling better the last couple of days. And good for you for exercising! I'm really going to start exercising soon lol. Lunax has talked me into starting to do yoga so I'm looking for a yoga studio right now.

And lunax, my buddy...congrats on day 50!!! So proud of you!! You are doing so awesome, keep it up girl! :)

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llWilson said:

Can't believe I've made it to day 30. Never thought in a million years I would be off my adderall this long. I had a good day yesterday, hoping to have another good day today. I'm taking it day by day, my moods have been like a roller coaster. I'm assuming that's normal.



Congratulations llWilson on getting 30 days. Treat yourself to something nice for achieving this goal. I am very proud of you for sticking to the challenge. The method really works! The mood swings are normal, but everyone is different. Keep up the good work on your next challange.  

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I couldn't be more excited right now! At&t just left and my internet is as of now On and poppin'! lol. With that said there are a few words in order. The first order of business is the confirmation of Day 37: CONFIRMATION!!

The second order of business...oh yes, three cheers to you! Let's breakout the party favorites and around the praises! LL you did it girl! I knew that you could do it. How are you feeling??

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Oh yea Jus! Ive gone without it for almost three weeks, which felt more like 3 years! Im so happy to be plugged in again. Maybe that's sad, but its true. Besides im still in tge early stages of recovery ; I needz my netflix fix. Lol.

While i'm at it, I minus well post up stats! Day 38: DONE & DONE! CONFIMRED!!

Also, I'd like to note that I exercised twice this week and here, now, I pledge to get one last 20 min treadmill workout in by Sunday. I will be posting once I have completed my selfie promise. Once again guys thankyou for being in my corner; Things have been really positive lately.

Ll, Lunax?? Headcount. How are you babez??

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Hey guys,

D51, I survived a 5day conference with no adderall. In past years I would take so much of it to get through these conferences. But I have to say I really enjoyed socializing as myself and not the unpredictable character that I was not too long ago.

Glad to see everyone is doing good!

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I survived a 5day conference with no adderall. In past years I would take so much of it to get through these conferences. But I have to say I really enjoyed socializing as myself and not the unpredictable character that I was not too long ago.

I had to skip a single day conference last month because I couldn't handle it; good on you for making it through a 5 day!


@FW - eating quality over quantity is tough for me too, I've gained 20# since quitting and it's all out front.  Have a blessed day!

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Ugh don't even get me started on the weight gain. I have been eating so much and it's starting to show. I ate like shit while I was away and now I just feel this disgusting bloated feeling in my stomach. Gonna try and get some exercise in this weekend. I have a wedding dress to fit into!

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