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It's hard to get a word of congratulations edgewise with all of the activity on this thread. It's easy to just like what someone else said, so as not to be repetitious. I want to be repetitious—Congratulations Freedom's Wings on 48 days and for being the creator of this concept. It would be nice to see an ongoing 30 day challenge just sitting out there waiting for those who want to quit, but are afraid to take the leap of faith alone. I believe that there is that much power in quitting together or close together.


Lunax, You are awesome. You have come so far since we first met. I think it was when I first quit? I am so proud of you. Congratulations on 60 days!


And then there is the Georgia Girl, LL, who took her leap of faith with a backflip off the edge of the mountain into the unknown of life without Adderall. Congratulations on 42 days...unbelievable!


Keep up this kind of team spirit and soon we'll be able to a fantasy match-up between you guys and the 1985 Chicago Bears! Anyone remember them?

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I think it's a great idea to start up a brand new 30day challenge. It's a win win for us and others who are newer to the forums....Let's do it!

D62....I had an amazing weekend but Monday was a mean bitch. Nothing like starting 100 things at once and completing 0 of them at the end of the day. Eh there is always tomorrow!

Hope you all have a

Wonderful week ;)

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The most painful thing about quitting adderall for me has been how inconsistent everyday is. Somedays I have a lot of energy and I feel in control of my day. Other days I feel like I am carrying around a ton of bricks.

Also, I've been extremely tired all day yet it is passed midnight and I can't sleep for shit. This is incredibly frustrating!

Just venting....D63 (I think)

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The most painful thing about quitting adderall for me has been how inconsistent everyday is. Somedays I have a lot of energy and I feel in control of my day. Other days I feel like I am carrying around a ton of bricks.

Also, I've been extremely tired all day yet it is passed midnight and I can't sleep for shit. This is incredibly frustrating!

Just venting....D63 (I think)

LuLu, This same thing happens to me. And I am really feeling ur pain today. Take my hand, we'll get through this together.
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I am so exhausted today, having one if those I don't know if i can do this days..off the work I go..

An hour later: back from work, left early, couldn't take it. Pooped.

Ugh I so wanted to leave early today!!! I think LTyrosine (or it's placebo effect) helped me get through the rest of day....I forgot I had them. Unfortunately I have a ton of stuff to get done before a meeting tomorrow so I won't even be able to go to bed early. Grrrrr!

Hope you're feeling better friend!

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Congrats on day 50 FW! So proud of you!!

On day 45 today...can't make myself get out of bed and get ready for work today. The one thing I miss from adderall is having something to look forward to, as stupid as that sounds. I looked forward to taking that first pill in the morning that helped me get up and get through the day. But my energy has been so up and down lately. Some days I feel great and think "this is great, I can do this!" And other days like today I question my decisions. I know it will take time.

Blesbro- thank you for your response! I am very proud of myself for being off adderall and I have told a few people I work with...not many knew in the first place. And in telling them this I found out there are a good many people I work with on adderall. I guess what I meant was that it was hard for me to talk to them and know they're still taking it, my fear is that I may break down one day and want to take one of theirs. I am getting stronger every day, but I still feel weak at times.

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Tx Babez! I know it's early but since im on here I'd minus well claim Day 51.

Day 51: IS mIne!!

LL these are the hurdles of life, even before addy. There always was and always will be hurdles. What happened is we've lost our ability to cope with the real world due to living in addyland for so long. Right now Im working on Cultivating new associations and new coping skills and it is hard as hell, so I know exactly how you feel, Its tough because things just feel so out of our own control, not Like in addy world, but we will get there. I have faith in us.

Try today to intentionally use a new coping skill when you start feeling some kind of way. Its gonna take us sometime to develop these skills again so be patient. Try taking a deep breath, using positive affirmations, or one thing Im trYing to do, that puts a little of the fun back in my day or at least makes it more bearable, mornings especially, is to see life as a game i'm playing with myself and when hurdles come up finding a new coping skill is my defense strategy. The hard part is coming up with positive ways of coping or recognizing when I have successfully coped with something and remembering what I did, and to keep doing it. tryng to be mindful helps with this also. You can do it babez! Hope this helps some. Today thankfully is my day off and im so glad the last few days have been rough.headed to a meeting then back home to do nothing. Be weLL!

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@FW - just 9 days to go, I know that at times you have probably felt like 60 days is an insurmountable task but look at you now; 9 days is like a walk in the park!


@LL - 3/4 of the way through 60 days!  That is awesome.  We all experience the ebb and flow of bad days to good days.  Believe me when I say that the good days will start to outnumber the bad ones.


I send my respect to SS9, FW, LL, and Lunax for your achievements in this thread and I wish inner peace for all of you.

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