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What have you accomplished without adderall?


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Cat, great idea!


I'm too green to lay claim on any accomplishments. I'm afraid to jinx my quit. I don't even like counting my months because it will always be one day at a time for me. If not Adderall, something else lurking in the shadows. Living sober is a real challange and there are still training wheels on my new bike. 


When the time is right for me, I will revisit this thread and state accomplishments that I feel secure in announcing.


I love yours. They are real and you own them. Thank you for sharing. I look at them like goals worth attaining.

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  On 11/12/2013 at 6:39 AM, Cat said:


Jon: You of all people will not jinx your quit. You are one of the wisest and most grounded people on this forum and if I didn't know better I'd guess you had years under your belt rather than months. Quitting adderall is hard. Writing down this list of stuff does not make it any easier, but it sure does help put things in perspective. I challenge you to think of a couple things you're proud of accomplishing. 




seriously need to give yourself more credit man. You are doing awesome. Almost as good as me ....almost ;)

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Great idea! What I have accomplished since quitting adderall on December 21st, 2012.


  • I have gained the ability to become genuinely interested in others and also have developed a genuine interest to make real friends. I didn't have a natural desire to make new friends during the down-slide of my addiction.
  • I have a strong self-confidence in myself and much hope for the future. I was absolutely hopeless on adderall. I had no chance of pursuing my dreams on adderall.
  • I have made serious positive changes to my body since I quit adderall. I've gained lots of muscle and lost lots of fat since quitting due to my strong work ethic in the gym and willpower to eat healthy. This is probably the accomplishment I am most proud of.
  • I am able to "live in the present" and get the hell out of my head once and for all!
  • I am able to enjoy relaxing as well as sleeping.
  • I feel more awake, focused, and energized than I did on adderall.
  • I have overcome social anxiety for the most part.

Still have a long way to go, however, I couldn't be more happy with the progress I've made. Every month is better than the last.



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  On 11/12/2013 at 6:39 AM, Cat said:

Lunax: You hit the 60 day challenge straight out of the park! So proud and happy to see you sticking around especially as your big day approaches :)

Thank you so much for the kind words. I could not have picked a better time to do this. I am going to be PRESENT at my wedding and I can't wait!
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  On 11/13/2013 at 8:29 PM, ashley6 said:

I found out today that I will be a December 2013 college graduate. I left my advisor's office feeling elated!!! Many of you know my story, but I started college in 03-04, went 5 years, and due to my adderall addiction, stopped going to classes, failed some classes and was so ashamed I told my family I had graduated. They found out the truth. About 5 years of avoiding the fact I didn't graduate, and taking lots and lots of adderall, I knew it was time to get my life back. So about one year after getting clean, I went back (only 3 classes to finish). And today finding out I have one month of college left, it just made me realize how much quitting has paid off. With all the hoops I had to jump through and contacting lots of different people, taking class 2 hours away, just to get myself on track would NOT have happened on adderall. I would've stopped going to class, if I even got that far, because I would've been a paranoid mess. There are so many things that have changed for the better since quitting, I'm essentially a different person, but today I'm celebrating this :)


That's wonderful news Ashley! You have certainly earned it. An accomplishment like this can bring closure to all of the horror years. You are free to move on with your life again.

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  On 11/13/2013 at 8:29 PM, ashley6 said:

I found out today that I will be a December 2013 college graduate. I left my advisor's office feeling elated!!! Many of you know my story, but I started college in 03-04, went 5 years, and due to my adderall addiction, stopped going to classes, failed some classes and was so ashamed I told my family I had graduated. They found out the truth. About 5 years of avoiding the fact I didn't graduate, and taking lots and lots of adderall, I knew it was time to get my life back. So about one year after getting clean, I went back (only 3 classes to finish). And today finding out I have one month of college left, it just made me realize how much quitting has paid off. With all the hoops I had to jump through and contacting lots of different people, taking class 2 hours away, just to get myself on track would NOT have happened on adderall. I would've stopped going to class, if I even got that far, because I would've been a paranoid mess. There are so many things that have changed for the better since quitting, I'm essentially a different person, but today I'm celebrating this :)

Ashley, I am so proud of you for finishing school.  I know this has been a huge hang up of yours since I have "known" you, I remember the public speaking class issues.  If I could reach through the internet and give you a big hug I certainally would.  Way to go - your good news just made my day better too!

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Thank you so much. You're doing great, and I really enjoy having you around!


Hearing you say you'd give me a hug made me happy! You've heard about most of my struggles and have often been a voice of reason for me, when I couldn't be for myself. The funny thing about public speaking was that I ended up enjoying that class a lot. It was 90% the anticipatory anxiety. I might post my diploma on here when I get it....ha. It's been 10 years coming!

I'm so grateful to be off of that crazy roller coaster ride I call adderall!

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