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I didn't start long ago, but I KNOW I need to stop


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Thank you. This is just fresh to me and stings like a bitch. Im not stopping my life, I just feel so betrayed and have no one "true" in my life anymore. It's just me and my fur kids. Christmas is my favorite season and it sucks spending it alone without someone that cares...or at least I thought cared. Oh well, life goes on and i guess i need to make a hard candy shell. 

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Take your hard candy shell and your chewy fruity center to the old folks home and stop by the grocery store on your way for flowers. Take them to whoever the nurse suggests. Go through the Starbucks drive through and pay for the guy behind you. Every little thing you do comes back to you, friend. You sound like you need some love coming your way and that's a definite way to get it. And it's kinda like magic which is fun too. I'm saying a prayer for you tonight. And tomorrow. You're not alone.

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  On 11/25/2013 at 5:35 AM, zerokewl said:

Welcome to the suck. It gets better I promise. For now try to coast through life don't make any big plans. Durring this period I watched a lot of Netflix and slept. I really had to force my self to do anything. Motivation Follows Action. Essentially your brain is recalibrating for normal levels of dopamine. It's really the worst part of the withdrawl and the most confusing. This why alot of people relapse without support.

When the darkness passes the first rays of light will be glorious.

Where is MFA? I liked her!

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