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quitting for women


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Just wondering (ya'll may have discussed this already), but do any of the owners of these forums have special tips for women for dealing with side effects of drugs for women?


Because women (in general)  are the ones who are expected to clean house, take care of children, whilst also maintaining a perfectly fit and trim body with energetic, engaging demeanor, it almost seems as though the side effects of quitting this drug have a special  "kick you when you're down" kind of flavor for us.


For these reasons does it take extra motivation/tricks for women to quit and stay off of this drug? 


Making staying fit/cleaning (the two most important and favorite activities in women's lives, after all ;-) seems to be possible important strategies in facilitating stopping this drug (vs. the much more daunting task changing societal expectations??!!)

Have any of the owners of this site tried using a Roomba?  (or other, similar technological devices that are proven to do more help than harm?).  Having a helpful, friendly robot in the house to help with getting things done when you're in recovery seems like a smart (and easy) way to manage the expectations of others whilst dealing w/the withdrawal side effects.
Other things that have helped me personally is having a husband who doesn't focus on every minutiae of my body (as though looking for flaws), and who projects an aura (much) more of calm acceptance vs. non-acceptance, simple indifference, or "pseudo-acceptance".
Any other tips from women who have taken this drug and stayed off of it (whilst living through that time as a woman)?
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I would agree that it is probably harder for a woman because of the self image issues that you bring up, and also women tend to be controlled more by their emotions than men and quitting is a complete emotional / mental rollercoaster.  I hope that you get the answers that you are looking for.  Since I'm not a woman, I've probably been of little help on this one; but hey, I'm not an owner of the site either.


**edited out my double negative in the first sentence to clarify my support of the OP**

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WOW!!! @weighting4better I LOVE this post!!! Weighting4better and Cassie already your couple of post have motivated me. Unfortunately I don't have any answers but did look up and forward the roomba site to my husband. He too has been understanding... I knew that gaining weight was going to be another one of the negative side effects of quitting. And gosh have I... but I have really tried not to dwell on that or anything else that I can't to which is still much everything. Again great idea about cooking big meals and freezing them. Starting tomorrow I said I was going to start making healthy meals for myself and my family I have a senior that will be going off to college soon and that boy is so skinny. So gosh thank you thank thank you for just those couple of tips. My brain still seems to be in this fog... BUT I do feel like it is getting better. Just here in the past few days. So geez again I still feel kinda guilty of ALWAYS taking advise but not able to really give ANY tips yet. I don't know MAYBE I will be able to do that soon. ok I am not going to focus on that - I am just going to be THANKFUL I SAW YOUR POST this morning!!! :)

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  On 1/31/2014 at 4:22 PM, Cassie said:

I don't have kids but I imagine that quitting Adderall and having to take care of kids while trying to recover is a special kind of hell. I'm sure people with kids can chime in more about this aspect.

Probably harder on mothers than fathers because they are more involved in the daily grind of child rearing (in most cases).  I started to do more, be more involved with, and connect more with my children during my recovery process.  They probably have helped me the most during this journey.


I have a lot of respect for good mothers in general - I hope that comes through in these posts.

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I am in the exact same boat! I am already overweight so I hate the eating part but the worst has been for me is keeping up with the house and laundry. I have no desire to use at work, functions, vacations but being home is overwhelming. I can't afford a cleaning lady at this time but I am going to have to figure out how to have one a least on e a week till I am more stable. I like the post about making dinners on Sunday and freezing. I will try that. My teenage son Complains constantly because he does his chores but I fall short. I also cannot stand the mess. It mentally messes up my head too. I am not a neat freak but I like it to be picked up. I have a active 7 and 9 yr old too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks so much everyone for the replies and tips, and I'm glad it was so helpful to start this thread!!! :-)


But I don't agree about the statement re: women being more controlled by emotions at all, sorry JustinW!


I do have another idea to share, specifically w/the difficulty of just really waking up in the AM without the help of Adderall: "light box" therapy.




I've never been diagnosed w/SAD, but I know I am "light sensitive."  After leaving the East Coast to spend a vacation in Southern CA (a large portion of which was spent on the road in the warm California sun, sigh), could actually feel my brain changing - difficult to describe how, but it was certainly real.


And I know that the boost I got from taking this drug really helped me get going in the AM, so am now using a light box as a substitute.  


Lots of real trials have shown how well these devices work (and w/out the side effects of Adderall, yay!).

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  • 11 months later...

I'm a stay at home mom of three kids 5 and under... One's a baby. And yes, it is a special kind of hell I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

I quit before when I didn't have kids and it was nowhere NEAR as hard as it is now.

Two years clean and I muddle through, but with so many things that need my attention RIGHT NOW and so many people depending on me, the desire to go back to the doctor is so overwhelming it feels like drowning. Truly.

It's like this drug was tailor made for stay at home moms. Lord have mercy. And with the ridiculously unrealistic societal expectations of us (ie - keep everyone's lives running smoothly, keep a guest-ready home, and look HOT while you're doing it ... After all, you stay home all day, your life is so eassssyyyyy), it is so tempting to reach for pills to make it all happen.

Special kind of hell, recovery.,,. Damn right. And the guilt, oh my god. That inner voice all the time, "are the kids bored? Will they resent me being lazy and unmotivated off of it? will they resent me being high strung on it? Am I fucking them up? Am I fucking them up? AM I FUCKING THEM UP??????????"

Recovery with kids is a whole other ball game.

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My kids are so much happier now that I am clean.  I don't ride their asses about cleaning.  I don't constantly clean around them.  I don't nag them about stupid stuff.  I love to sit on the couch and watch cartoons sometimes...I love Teen Titans Go and Adventure Time. :D  I would never do these things before...too busy focusing on minutia.  I remember the kids saying that I never played with them.  They don't care about a slightly messy house (have you ever seen Hoarders?).  They want a mom who is present. 

My husband appreciates that when I ask him to do a chore I don't immediately get pissed because he hasn't done it yet.  I no longer freak out and just do the chore myself when he didn't even have a chance to get to it.  Now, it is difficult to stay up later at night for "mommy-daddy time" ;), but some late evening caffeine does the trick!


Stop beating yourselves up, ladies.  As long as your husband has sex and a sandwich every now and then, and your kids have your attention regularly, then you have made them all happy.  I promise.  The rest is just details...

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