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Things I still struggle with


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Its funny how adderall changes us.   Old habits die hard as they say, and those are old habits you picked up on a very powerful drug (I forget for how long you took it....)   I think the first step towards changing a habit is to recognize that you do it.  Then you can play with approaches to changing it.

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Love this post!


Things I still struggle with:



2) FOCUS when it comes to tasks I do not enjoy  (unless I have my TO DO list in front of me and a plan of attack (a seriously structured plan). Now when it comes to pleasurable activities I can go for HOURS on end - LOVE the hyper focus (OCD) trait for fun stimulating activities

3) Highs and lows (meaning I can have one setback and it can literally crush me if I'm not careful so yes, like Cassie I guess I am still super sensitive at times). However, if I am in a good place I can be bouncing off the walls too.  I think I may have bipolar tendencies, but not to the extreme or anything like that. 

4) OCD - I need to work on balancing my time better.  I get stuck in a rut doing the same activity for way TOO long. For example, being on the internet for 3 hours straight like I am right now when I should've called a friend, cleaned up the kitchen, etc.


Things I NO LONGER struggle with:


1) The MENTAL OBSESSION/cravings for Adderall!!!!  :)  I just don't think about it anymore.  I used to constantly wish I was still on it and how it would fix all my problems and make me happy.  Much like the fantasy's we all tell ourselves, "I'll be happy when I get married, when I get thin, when I get pregnant, when I go on vacation, when I buy a house, when I get promoted, when I am successful, when I am rich, on and on and on.  Stop the fantasy people!  It's just a fantasy.

2) Honestly, I have been clean for so long I don't remember what it was like in the early stages.  I am just used to life without it and I am SO THANKFUL I did NOT relapse ever. 


Hey, where is our one friend, MFA????   Ok, see my add just took over, LOL.


Love you guys!

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Great topic Cassie, I can relate to yours and LilTex's lists.


Things I still struggle with:

- Procrastination is by far number one

- Focusing on boring tasks

- Attention to detail (really need to find a balance here, because I used to spend waaaaaaay too much time focusing on details, whereas now I'm just ok with mediocrity)


Things I'm grateful to not struggle with anymore:

- Low energy

- Cravings

- Lack of confidence

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