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lions mane question

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I have taken lions mane mushroom supplement for one year, almost daily.  Here are my thoughts and observations:

I have experienced better cognition (especially decision making and problem solving), clear thinking, and a better memory.  It has also improved my facial recognition skills and name recall.  I have prosopagnosia (moderate face blindness).

 Last month, I did notice my memory was not as good as it had been.  I started taking fish oil again and the memory issues abated.


The only brand I have taken is Host Defense and I get it at Whole Foods.  It costs about $35 for 60 capsules, a one month supply.  I take 1,000 mg in the morning, with 500 mg L-Tyrosine, with my first cup of coffee.  I have never experienced a side effect or negative reaction.  Sometimes I take 1500 mg so I can "feel" it working - it kind of makes my hair tingle like Adderall did. :huh:  


Dosing instructions on the box say to take 1,000 mg per day, with or without food.  I just prefer to take it along with my L-Tyrosine, which MUST be taken on an empty stomach.  Nothing bad seems to happen on the days I forget to take the lions mane.  The box also states it is for "memory and nerve support".  If you want to know more about how it works I suggest doing some Google research of your own. 


I did not discover it until almost two years into recovery and I believe it has really helped to re-build my brain.  I gave a friend of mine a bottle of it and she just asked me to get her another bottle next time I am at Whole Foods.  I have suggested it to others on this forum but have not heard much feedback from them, so I assume it is like all other supplements - it works for some folks and is a waste of money for others.  But you really won't know what it does for you unless you try it.

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Quit-Once, I've been really slacking on taking the lions mane consistently (I keep all my vitamins and supplements in a drawer and sometimes forget to take certain ones) but when I did take them when I first got them, I did feel a little more of a boost and focus, that is for sure! I ordered mine off of Amazon, they are Host Defense Organic Mushrooms Lion's Mane. I took 2 today and hoping for some good memory and nerve support! I also think it's cheaper to get on Amazon then Whole Foods but it may depend on the cost of shipping. Look into it Quit-Once, maybe you can be saving some extra money! I'm gonna try to keep the bottle out on my night stand to remind myself to take them more.

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I try not to buy things on the internet, unless there is no other source.  The great thing about the lions mane is I can feel the effects even if I only take it infrequently.  Try taking 3 sometime!  L-Tyrosine works like that for me, too, but if I take too much of that I get a headache..   Fish oil - I have to take it for several days in a row to notice any difference in my slow brain, and sometimes it causes ringing in my ears (tinnitus?).   

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