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I've only been off adderall for two days but I've been noticing my skins condition looks downright terrible. I'm trying to drink lots of fluids and healthy veggies to bring back the glow. Did anyone else notice more fine lines and uneven skin tone? Don't even get me started on the acne. Ugh.

Anyways just trying to gauge how long it will take for my skin to bounce back.. I'm hoping that it eventually does and I haven't permanently compromised the health of my skin.


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Hey there,


I'm almost 6 months clean and my skin looks really great now and I think looks like it's glowing. Just give it time. I also take Solodyn 65mg (I get it from the dermatologist) -- it works wonders and helps with breakouts during my 'shark week' and/or hormonal acne. 


I think my skin bounced back kind of quick… way quicker than my mind… Get lots of rest and drinking a lot of water should help. The rest part helps with no more huge bags under the eyes.


Goodluck with everything and welcome!!!

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Hello there, this was a major reason I quit. On adderall I kept getting dehydrated and my favorite thing to do at night was to pick at my face. Now, I've been almost 3 months off adderall, and my skin is finally just now clearing. I had to drastically cut my finger nails and cut my hair to prevent anymore breakouts. My friends almost put an E collar on me!! Honestly, I think my face still needs more time to heal. I used to spend so much time in the shower cleaning myself cleaning the bathroom at least twice a day. Now I'm lucky if I even take shower by noon. That has something to do with I'm sure. Great topic!!

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"Time heals all wounds" they say, and I'd argue those induced by prolonged drug use as well as the acne it may or may not have also brought about.  Great thread.  I am like Chipper in that I was a face picker.  On top of the dehydration we probably all faced while on Adderall that made our skin so dry yet so broken out, I also don't have a colon.  That's right.  No colon.  So, I was especially dehydrated and yet broken out while using Adderall.  Unfortunately, my skin did not magically return to some healthy glow upon quitting.  It's taken a lot of work to get rid of the cysts that cropped up no matter what time of month accounting for any hormone changes.  Here's what's working for me: 

- give up dairy.  I'm originally from Wisconsin.  It was practically sacrilegious to do so, and yet I did, and I can tell you it's helped tremendously.

- get a probiotic.  It helps to restore all the right kind of gut flora you need in your intestines.  It works on even my shortened digestive tract.

- give up gluten.  I haven't had to take this step yet, thankfully, because my skin is responding well to the above two suggestions.  I consider this the nuclear option, and it will be what I do should I need a next step. 


Hope this helps.  And remember:  give time, time.

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