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Impulsivity on Adderall


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I'd like to hear what others have gone through when it comes to the impulsivness or the "delusions" that lead to the impulsiveness that adderall seems to give.  Like that feeling of it must happen now & it must happen fast.


Here are some of mine:

I was never into shopping, but on the meds, I'll start surfing clothing sites and buying things just for the heck of it.  A lot of times not even checking my account to make sure I have enough funds


Going thru a break-up on it & before knowing these negative symptoms are med related, the minute he called it quits I went beserk literally, I hacked is facebook account to snoop, tormented him with non stop texts and calls & tormented his new gf ...the list goes on n on 


Now I've learned to take a step back before reacting to something I "think" needs such a strong reaction.  This is still a struggle & I ruin any chance of new relationships because I blow up at the person before I'm even supposed to feel comfortable enough "to blow up" lol It's like a temper tantrum if I feel something is not going my way with the new person, I lash out in an unnatural way.


Met a random stranger at store, went out on few dates, then decided there was something off about him...... so I scoured the internet for his name and found an article about him burning down his mothers house while shooting at the police  & having grenades on hand.


After reading that, combined with the tiny hint of him being a little weird whn I did try to end it, my paranoid delusional mind thought if I call it quits he's going to burn down my house or randomly walk by and throw a grenaded through my window (can't believe I truly felt that was going to happen)


I immediately went to police after reading article & filed a restraining order stating how in danger I was & I really felt like I was in danger after realizing what he was capable of .....Keep in mind this all happened after knowing the guy for 1 week........embarrasing

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That sounds like a crazy situation!


...but to answer your question I was extreeeeeeemly impulsive. I just did things without thinking about it. If i popped a pill I would get a burst enthusiasm for something, and just pursue it full on without thinking. If I was paranoid, I'd act on it. I think a drug addict has problems thinking out the consequences of actions because an addict - if you look at the traditional form of "insanity" of addiction - An addict does the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome each time.


As soon as I quit, I began regaining confidence in my decision making and judgement.

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That sounds like a crazy situation!


...but to answer your question I was extreeeeeeemly impulsive. I just did things without thinking about it. If i popped a pill I would get a burst enthusiasm for something, and just pursue it full on without thinking. If I was paranoid, I'd act on it. I think a drug addict has problems thinking out the consequences of actions because an addict - if you look at the traditional form of "insanity" of addiction - An addict does the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome each time.


As soon as I quit, I began regaining confidence in my decision making and judgement.


Yea it really is scary how I'm sure these last 3 years my decision making has caused my life to be horrendous.


When I first started this drug and had no clue it caused paranoia, anytime my friends invited me out I would literally ask them is this a set-up. 


I'm so glad I found this site and realized these are bad reactions and if you're not self aware you can get into some serious trouble.


On a whim I decided I wanted bigger boobs, withdrew money from my 401K & got them done as big as possible.  I'm sure if I wasn't on this med, I would've waited longer, saved the money

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Sometimes it made me impulsive and other times the opposite. The opposite being sitting around all day thinking and planning and being in my own head instead of out doing things in the world. It paralyzed me with obsessive thinking.

I was super impulsive and reactive when I drank though (more so than regular drunk without Adderall). Ex., throwing a drink in someone's face at a bar, getting mad at friends for no reason and storming out of bars, etc. Horrifying to look back on.

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Sometimes it made me impulsive and other times the opposite. The opposite being sitting around all day thinking and planning and being in my own head instead of out doing things in the world. It paralyzed me with obsessive thinking.

I was super impulsive and reactive when I drank though (more so than regular drunk without Adderall). Ex., throwing a drink in someone's face at a bar, getting mad at friends for no reason and storming out of bars, etc. Horrifying to look back on.


lol Yes I get the impulse to sometimes just sit around and do nothing.  such a strainge drug.  I'm finding my weekends when there's no schedule of a 9-5 job, I'm getting less and less done and lately for the past few weekends, I've just stayed in bed, sleeping and eating nothing else....

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