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Ladies, please help!


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I am working on a relationship book. I need some input from the ladies out there. This is not a man bashing post, so please be decent. I need your top relationship issue. Just a quick description of what is your biggest issue with your boyfriend/spouse/partner.

For example: "I have a full time job, and I have to do all of the housework."

I appreciate the input. Guys, feel free to comment. I appreciate your point of view as well. This book will not be about how terrible men are...don't worry.

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AlwaysAwesome, I have been in way too many long term relationships with both men and women, and I could give you LOTS of info or a list of previous issues I've had.  Abusive relationships, healthy relationships, dating addicts and alcoholics and adderallics and codependent people, times when I messed up, times when I was betrayed, cheating, attachment issues, you name it I have been there.


But my current relationship--  My best friend and I got together over a year ago and we have such an amazingly happy, solid, healthy, and very special relationship.  OK I don't wanna get all sentimental here but I'll just say it's super healthy because we get each other, we accept each other fully, we laugh a lot, we have great conversations, and all of this was built on the healthy foundation of a true, long term close friendship.  So we both knew what we were getting into!  My only complaint is that I go to school about 5 hours away.  But despite that, we spend a lot of time together, he often telecommutes from my place, we take turns visiting, stuff like that.  It's hard, but not that bad, and not the kind of long distance relationship where you have no idea what this person is actually like (been there, done that!)


Feel free to message me if you want to hear more about my lifetime of drama!!! I'm happy to help you and anyone out on relationships, they are TOUGH.

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I am so glad that it is going so well!  I know how difficult relationships can be and feel very fortunate to have figured a lot of crap out over the years.  A little bit of marriage counseling and a lot of communication...  I see a common issue in relationship problems and it is the inability of women to understand that men are not as complicated as we make them out to be.  I think we project our issues onto the guys and then wonder why things aren't going smoothly.  The guys, on the other hand, just try their best to figure us out and keep us from getting pissed off so that they get sex fairly regularly (or at all).  This is, of course, a generalization.  However, after just 2 days of facebook research/polling I am pretty confident that all of us women have similar issues in our relationships.  What we don't always know is that we generally have all of the power in a relationship, and can change the situation pretty easily.  If we are not too stubborn to do it... 


This doesn't apply to partners with psychological issues, abusive situations, and/or politicians.  LOL.    


I hope that I don't make anyone mad here.  How am I going to market this book to women without pissing them off?  I was sure pissed when my marriage counselor spent most of his time focusing on my issues.  Bastard...

Turns out, he was right and after I changed the way I interact with my husband we have been blissfully happy ever since.  Mostly.  He did refuse to refill my Adderall prescription 14 months ago...but, I have since forgiven him.  ;) 

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