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QuittingAdderall.com Forums

The days off are the worst.


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I've recently been attempting to let go of adderall. I started taking it about 15 years ago when I was a kid, but it didn't become a problem until the last couple years when I made the "amazing" discovery that if you just take more than you are supposed, even with severe ADHD, it can feel like a mirical drug. I read a lot of people really come unglued when they are at work, but does anyone else feel the opposite? At work I am surrounded by people who are watching out for me, reminding me what to do, when to do it (even if they are a little irritated that I'm not as naturally motivated) I still have a general idea of what I should be doing. When I'm off work is when I fall apart. I don't know what to do with myself. I look around my house, at my guitar, my computer, all the things I would usually dive right in to without thought, seem like such a chore. Even mindless video games seem like too much effort.

Ps this is my first post so if I'm not in the right spot or anything let me know lol

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How long have you been off of it?  It's definitely going to be an adjustment period so whatever you do be easy on yourself right now and don't expect much of anything of yourself.  Just be proud of everyday that you've stayed off it for now.  I would not set your expectations of yourself any higher than that.  :)


You are in the right spot!

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welcome to the forums!


i get it. trust me. your story is a mirror image of mine- while im good at my job, my whole office knows about my ADD (which i genuinely have) and im constantly distracted / forgetting things. im also loud and sometimes disruptive without realizing it. being on adderall at work was more entertaining for sure, but it was equally if not more unproductive because of all the wasted time and effort on tangents. 


i used to be in a band, i used to write music, i used to write poetry, i used to be a hardcore gamer, i used to do a lot of things that i dont find immediately entertaining anymore. its a bummer for sure- but i also realize its not just being sober, its also growing up. ive been on adderall most of my adult life so perhaps this is a natural maturation. that doesn't mean im giving up on these hobbies, i just have to try a little harder to love them again (:

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