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Gonna try and quit again... I guess..


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Do you sense my excitement? Smh

Tried quitting cold turkey a couple months ago and went for about a week with nothing. Got annoyed w the brain fog and feeling so 'out of it'.. I was also trying to quit for someone else, not really just myself..

Anyways, instead of doing it cold turkey, I just made an apt w my dr for next week. Gonna talk to her and see about lowering my dose and tapering off.

Why is the thought of quitting this stuff so scary to me?

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Do YOU want to quit? Have you reached that low yet, where you might not be ready to quit, but deep within you, your inner voice is telling you to stop with the Adderall? If so, make a list of all the reasons why you want to quit, and how this drug has negatively impacted your life. Those lists have always served as a reminder for me about why it is that I quit.

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I do but I don't. I do because I want my life back, so to speak. And also recently I thought I could of been pregnant and thought to myself.. Wow, I'd have to quit this stuff cold turkey for 9 months and never go back. The thought of 'HAVING TO' stop freaked me out. idk, not getting any younger, would like to have one child I guess.. Feel like my body would go into shock not having any addy at all after taking it everyday for almost 9 years😕

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Why do you want to quit?  Are you really doing it for yourself or for someone else?  


The thought of quitting was scary to me because I predicted I would fail at my job without it.  I started working at a temp agency when I was 23 and had a total of 6 different jobs!!!  It wasn't until the 6th assignment (and when I started taking Ritalin/Concerta/then adderall) that I finally got hired on. Talk about feeling like I was worthless without it!  I then worked in that field for a total of 6 years while taking adderall.  The thought of coming off of it scared me to death!!!  I never thought I'd be able to do a good job without it.  Luckily, I didn't have a choice and I had to stop taking it.  And thankfully, I didn't fall apart.  I even ended up taking another job and doing really well at it.


But yes, it is scary.  You are not alone in feeling that way.  But it can be done and you can get through this life without it. There are plenty of us here that can attest to that!


You got this!

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Why is it so terrifying to quit?  This question is worth exploring for everyone-- and I think it's amazing that youre doing so.


These fears kept me hooked on speed drugs for years.  I'm almost 3 years clean now but I still deal with anxieties, fears, etc.    The same fears that spoke in my head saying: "You're not good enough. You need speed drugs to make up for what you naturally lack." 


I'm working through drug-free coping skills now.  I don't have a crutch anymore.  And I am myself again.  That is why I quit, and these are the rewards I attained by facing my fears. 


Your life is your own.  I just wanted to share my experience.  D)

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It really is...don't know that ive really seen anyone here on the forums thats been on it quite as long.

I consider myself pretty lucky though..in that ive never really upped my dose much.

Over the years ive alternated between adderall 20mg xr and concerta 36 mg.

Because i started so early, it just became second nature to mindlessly pop the pills in the morning without a second thought...like i was just taking some kind of vitamin.

Didnt really realize until college what I had been on for so long.

I decided to wait until my college football career was over to start tapering down...which was around this time last year.

After around 6 months of tapering i tried to quit cold turkey this past june.

Quit for around 30 days, but had to go back on when i started failing my summer classes. School work was impossible.

Contiunued to taper even more agressively until October 28th of this year I quit again, and here we are today! Nearly 2 months clean.

Also managed to pass all of my classes and graduate college two weeks ago, which has me hopeful for the future :)

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Nice to see someone else with a similar situation to my own trying to quit!

I think our common struggle will be just how long we both ran on the stuff.

Even without abusing this drug its scary how a doctors recomended dose can have you so mentally dependent.

Keep us updated on your progress and feel free to message me!

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