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Attempts seem meaningless.


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First of all, I love my fiance. But I feel that his addiction will tear us apart, and him from his son also. I know addiction is hard to overcome (12 years clean from rough drugs myself ) but he's getting way out of hand. I'm not sure what I can do. I know I was not in the right by trying to regulate his intake ( $ spent is monitored. ) only because the mood swings were unbearable. Let me also throw out there I Am add, have been diagnosed, but can't medicate because of his addiction, which pro ably make everything worse. I've tried just about everything, and am running out of ideas. :( even mentioning it, he get angry / mad / not himself. I've tried "harsh realties" to show him what it does and what can happen..... Nothing seems to kick this $300/ month habit

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I've come down to the point where I told him he has to choose. If he cannot choose between his son/me and Addis by Feb when my taxes come in , I will be taking our son, myself and the clothes on our backs, and proceeding to move 800+ miles away to my sisters. If he doesn't think its a promise ( I've never threatened to leave before. ) then I guess shit will just go down hill forever.

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