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Going to dr soon to tell her I wanna quit/taper


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Kinda freaking out a little bit.. I'm currently taking 30mg once a day. Been for 8 years or so.

I tried cold turkey a couple months ago and just couldn't do it with my demanding crazy job. I need to be able to function.

I want this over with.. but I know I need to do this the 'right' way and do it slowly so I don't f*ck up my brain anymore than it is...

Feeling overwhelmed.. Scared.. blah :(

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Yeah, idk. I just feel so tired.. Like tired of it all. the pills, the drinking.. Been doing this for so long. I think I'm just at the point where as much as it is scary, I just want them out of my life. it sounds so lame but I feel like I want my life back, like I want to live. I want to feel. I can't do that with those pills. Feel like I've wasted so much of my life away.. 😕

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Well, there you go.  Motivation via prescription.  AND you have a quit date to plan for.  I am super excited for you. 


...let me count this up.  It will be a slow and constant withdrawal for 56 days and then the real thing for a few weeks.  I wonder if the taper truly helps with the psychological part of it?  The physical withdrawal doesn't last as long as psychological withdrawal, in my experience.  I still don't understand dragging out the misery, but I hope it works for you and is as painless as possible.  We will be rooting for you! 

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Hope you're doing alright. I know this isn't easy and it's terrifying. In my experiences of trying to quit, tapering didn't work for me. I would try to take the lower dose and I would feel pretty out of it, so I would take another one just so I could feel 'normal'. I didn't have the self control to taper. And like AlwaysAwesome said, I feel like tapering just drags the misery on longer. Cold turkey was the only way for me to go. However, it's not for everyone. Everyone is different and you have to do what works best for you. But another good point that AlwaysAwesome had was that you're stronger than you think!! :)  You can do this. I have a super demanding job too, and I used that as an excuse to keep taking the Adderall. I told myself I needed it, that I couldn't do anything without it. I even had myself convinced I couldn't shower and do my hair and make up without taking a pill first. Like... seriously?? Haha.


Somehow I've made it through 42 days over here. The fatigue at work is overwhelming and I'm much less productive than I was before... but I'm surviving. I'm getting through the days (although it hasn't been easy), and I'm very hopeful for things to get better. You have to accept that you're going to be tired, you have to accept that you're going to feel a bit useless for a while, and you have to accept that you're going to gain a little bit of weight. It is what it is. I know it sucks, but it's the cold, hard truth.

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I read my quit story again and I had forgotten that I had cut back to 1 1/2 pills a day.  It wasn't to taper, it was to prolong my Adderall time so I would not have to go without.  I hadn't called to get my prescription in time and was going to run out.  So, I starting to conserve the pills.  Then, I decided that I would just quit.  So, I suppose in a way I did cut back before quitting.  I was taking 45 mg instead of my 60 mg prescribed dose.  If my memory serves me, it was for about 2 weeks.  So, there it is. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, I love reading about others stories, they inspire me. I have yet to start working on quitting the Adderall but I must soon. I take 20mg 3 times a day but at times take more. I give out early every month, sometimes for a week or more. The one thing I have not done is talk to my doctor about my addiction. I am scared because I know once I do the Adderall will stop coming from him and I have no other source. I am ready to do something about this addiction and I know the first and biggest step will be talking to my doctor. I can't begin to imagine my life without the Adderall and yet I also can't imagine going forward with my really screwed up life on the Adderall... :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

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Quentin- exactly how I feel. It sounds so corny, but I feel like I want my life back. I don't even remember who the real me is anymore. Feel like I'm just existing in life and not living it. And this drug is part of the problem. I don't want to waste anymore of my time. I'm currently down to 15mg from 30. It's hard, but you know what? The time is gonna pass anyways, so I might as well do it.

When you're ready, you will do it. But that's just it, you have to be ready. You have to want it.

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