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Some interesting questions I haven't got answers to


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Has anyone ever had a seizure that was related to stimulants like adderall?


How would I know the difference between seizures and anxiety/panic attacks?


I'm sure its been discussed here before or you've heard. What are your opinions and observations of me taking modfanil/armodafinil to replace zenzedi(dextroamphetamine) or at least use it on top of zenzedi so I could use less zenzedi till I quit the damn thing once and for all since I'm tired of this ish.Im a junior in college and really need to graduate because I'm 23 and have failed/dropped out of so many classes I can't even turn it into a joke anymore when people ask if Ive graduated.I really want to quit this insidious drug but I do need something at least moderate to use for focusing at school and work so I can concentrate on my studies and work and take 4+ classes/semester till I graduate


If you're in college did any of you students' grades decline or climb when you took adderall? Mine have declined because therapeutic doses were never good enough to focus long because I either built up tolerance too fast on my own without telling doctor and chain smoking cigarettes was heavily craved while on adderall-more important than studying and being responsible-and I payed for it. 


This has nothing to do with the devil's drug but I use to be a really smart kid as I was 17 when I became a sophomore at the University with high hopes and dreams of becoming a petroleum engineer.I never took adderall in my life and didnt even for the next 4 years.But when I was 18,19,20,21 my grades and other life hindered for some reason. How the hell did I go from focused to unfocused? Do cigarettes play a huge roll in concentrating?I also got addicted to the internet,micro-managing others,masturbing too although I quit that habit since,sugary/salty high carbs,soda,coffee,insomnia,etc.. I also don't have relationships as much since 18 so does confidence or lonliness have anything to do with it? Any thoughts? Oh I prioritized hanging with friends than studying..damn I wish I didn't get addicted to always wanting to talk to girls and having a good time with the boys. 

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you typically are unaware you are having a seizure (loss of consciousness or sensory hallucinations, etc); not sure if that's the case with panic attacks. I'm guessing panic attacks can involve racing thoughts? With common forms of seizures, you're not really having thoughts at all. feelings of anxiety and panic and racing thoughts can trigger seizures in epileptic tho. If you're not epileptic and you don't have a head injury, you're not likely to randomly have a seizure from anxiety. I'm not a doctor tho, just have epilepsy in the family

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I've had a panic attack from taking Xanax. I was using it every time I wanted to crash from adderall then one day out of the blue I had to pull over felt like I could hardly breath then went into a office max nearly flipped out it was crazy just everything seemed wrong and I had shortness of breath. It wasn't until later I learned taking Xanax on a regular basis actually changes your brain chemistry even if you never had panic attracts taking that shit makes you develope those feelings then u must take more Xanax to feel normal. It's almost like the drug companies create a disease to keep you hooked. But anyways never had a seizure I don't think the two are realated.

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