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Study: Adderall and Meth are basically the same thing


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I agree with the articles' perspective and overall feeling-but I would love someday for a study to be done that shows what brain activity is like for people-one on adderall-then a scan for the same person on meth. Maybe that's already been done. An addict is an addict and consequently an "educated opinion" or a thoughtful presumption will probably not be enough to evoke "I am quitting forever now!" light bulb moment-but maybe with attractive color coded MRI/CAT scans with figures and chemical make-ups to compare between drugs and before and after pictures of people-...blah blah---I am a hopeless non-addict who would give anything for a light bulb moment herself into the disease of addiction. Why oh why does this disease never seem to attract the attention or the funding to help our fellow humans find a cure for addiction. I still wish I would see more articles like this casually throughout my day.  I am always hoping for some SERIOUS light to be shed on this subject WITHOUT some terrible, high-profile catastrophe being the only way people change it for the better. 

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Meth is the sinister sister of adderall.  I see some big differences in the way the drugs are made and used:

1) Meth is made with God knows what for incoming ingredients, like battery acid, drano, etc.  It is also neurotoxic in part because of the shit is made with.  So the side effects are even less predictable

2) Unpredictable purity makes dosage a guessing game, as does "estimating" the right amount of a white powder to prepare and consume.

3) There is a different social aspect to using meth because of the tweaker culture that usually exists around getting it and using it.


I disagree with the premise of this article that there would be less of a meth problem if all drugs were legal and if legal speed was available.  He said that people will use drugs one way or another if that is what they are determined to do.  I think it needs to be hard to get your hands on certain classes of drugs, like stimulants or opioids.  Of course this is the perspective of one who has experienced addiction.  

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I have to agree with quit-once. Although meth and Adderall do have some similarities, they are still very different. Meth is a dirty drug made on the streets and has all kinds of crap in it. Meth users don't tend to be able to hold a job or any sort of a normal life. Meth users also tend to physically deteriorate at a much worse level (usually anyway). I'm not saying that makes it ok to take Adderall, and I'm not saying the two drugs are complete polar opposites, but they are definitely not one in the same. 

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Meth is the sinister sister of adderall.  I see some big differences in the way the drugs are made and used:

1) Meth is made with God knows what for incoming ingredients, like battery acid, drano, etc.  It is also neurotoxic in part because of the shit is made with.  So the side effects are even less predictable

2) Unpredictable purity makes dosage a guessing game, as does "estimating" the right amount of a white powder to prepare and consume.

3) There is a different social aspect to using meth because of the tweaker culture that usually exists around getting it and using it.


I disagree with the premise of this article that there would be less of a meth problem if all drugs were legal and if legal speed was available.  He said that people will use drugs one way or another if that is what they are determined to do.  I think it needs to be hard to get your hands on certain classes of drugs, like stimulants or opioids.  Of course this is the perspective of one who has experienced addiction.  

I agree.  Alcohol is a drug and it legal.  @ 80-90% of the US drinks alcohol because it is legal and our culture has taught us, "alcohol in moderation" is acceptable.  If there were meth stores open to the public where you could plop down on a bar stool and do some meth, more people would give it a shot than now (possibly when intoxicated) and then slowly get hooked. Not everyone of course, but more people would try it if it were there and easily available.

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