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I Relapsed to adderall and nicotine after being abstinent for almost 2 months and feel like s***


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How does one quit an addiction to both adderall and cigarettes when they're court ordered to see a shrink and take meds regularly?The probation is suppose to end April next year.I don't want to wait that long to stop getting amphetamines prescribed.

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I am not court ordered to take stimulant medicine I apologize for writing like a 5 year old lol.I am court ordered via plea bargain to go to a psychiatrist for mental health services regularly.My officer regulary checks psychiatrist office to make sure I went to my past appointments.She also asks me for prescrription labels and keeps a copy of every medicine I got filled during her office visits I must go to.My doctor also drug tests his patients who are prescribed scheduled medicine to make sure they are taking the medicine regularly and of course to check if they're doing recreational drugs.I might have a plan.I'm going to ask doctor next appointment about nuvigil as safer and less addictive.I've heard good reviews about it and tried it just once before. If he doesn't want to prescribe it I will just ask for a non-stimulant to deal with withdrawal from adderall.



Now for smoking I also have a vape.I really want to become a non-smoker(someone who doesn't use nicotine at all and has removed brainwashing of smoking from their mind).I read Allen Carr's "Easyway to stop smoking".Which is a very good read if you want to quit easy and make it enjoyable.I've relapsed when I am taking adderall.It is hard for me not to not want to smoke or vape on than medicine even if I've gone weeks or months free from nicotine.I am a believer than nicotine is a gateway drug.Anywho feel free to reply.Thanks for reading.

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