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Massive Anxiety at 7 Months?


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I was doing ok up until this past weekend, all of the sudden, I was hit with massive anxiety attack on Saturday and it's been a rough week ever since. Is this some sort of milestone at seven months?


I couldn't leave the house all week! Help me to understand why this is happening. I was doing so well.



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I bought a car (used) but it was a pretty big purchase and I guess the purchase triggered a massive anxiety attack because I kept thinking what if I lose my job and couldn't make the payments and so on. The thoughts just kept going until I was in a panic. It got better after a few days and after about a week it was gone. I remember before Adderall I would make big life changing decisions all the time and was never worried like I am now.


I know this is a part of my recovery and I know that it will get better with time. I just wish it would happen sooner. Thanks for all your support, there's no way I could go through this without your guys' input.

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