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7 weeks in, feeling sluggish still but looking younger?


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I'm at 7 weeks since I quit and I'm still feeling really sluggish still in the morning. It takes me hours to get going and then I'm not really going. I'll take anyone's advice or tips to help.

Anyway, despite the rough time I'm having, I'm noticing I look a lot younger. Anyone else notice this as a benefit to quitting? I'm 32 and people usually think i'm in my late 20s but lately I'm getting mistaken for early 20s. The bags around my eyes are gone and I just have a healthier look about me, if that makes sense.

Anyway, life without adderall is still super hard for me but it's nice to appreciate the upsides and positive benefits as well.

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Yup, I've noticed the same thing. Been off since end of September. No more bags and my face looks fuller, although I think it's just bc I gained 20lbs lol but a lot of people really say I look so much better and healthier. congrats on your 7 weeks. it does get better even though at times you think it never will. ;) 

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  On 1/7/2017 at 6:55 PM, Frank B said:

Great your already seeing some benefits. The biggest thing I've learned but still struggling with at times is just being ok with myself. It's easy to get mad irrated with the lack of motavation but it's a slow recovery and being upset won't help. 


Thank you! I've definitely been getting down on myself because I feel like I can't get anything done anymore. But thank you, you're definitely right, it's not going to help anything.

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  On 1/8/2017 at 5:22 AM, Smhjen said:

Yup, I've noticed the same thing. Been off since end of September. No more bags and my face looks fuller, although I think it's just bc I gained 20lbs lol but a lot of people really say I look so much better and healthier. congrats on your 7 weeks. it does get better even though at times you think it never will. ;) 


Thank you! I'm glad you're noticing some positive benefits too :) It's honestly the only thing keeping me going because I feel like I can't do anything. 

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