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Switching from Vyvanse to Strattera


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Anyone have any experience with Strattera?  

I’m desperate to get off Vyvanse.  But based on past experience, I don’t believe cold turkey is a realistic option.  I may ask my doctor about a non-stimulant medication like Strattera.  I don’t have any expectation that Strattera will be anything  like Vyvanse...I don’t want it be.  But I am so conditioned at this point to think that I must be taking a pill from a pharmacy.  So I think a substitute medication could perhaps help, at least during the months after quitting Vyvanse.

 I am also considering stacking the Strattera with Lion’s Mane, L-Tyrosine, and Citicoline.  

Maybe sometime soon I can just go au naturel, but I’m over thinking this has to happen right now.  The most important thing is getting off Vyvanse.

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I tried it, nothing like adderall. Doubt it will fill the void but may have some stimulating effects. Will likely increase anxiety and made me pretty jittery feeling. Libido adversely affected as well. I did not use it for long as I didn't like side effects. 

Lion’s Mane, L-Tyrosine, and Citicoline are all good options regardless of what direction you go in your journey of quitting.

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I also tried strattera. It was about 10 yrs ago. I was a walking zombie for 3 weeks on it. Zero energy lots of “focus”. Not really a good combo and I slept a lot. Everyone is different, of course. Just thought I’d share my experience in case it helps. I ended up right back on stims after that...

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