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Life is beautiful


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I wanted to share some positive insight into being clean from Adderall.

This world is not perfect, as you may know. There is so much deceit and corruption all around. It can become all-consuming if we focus our energy on it, but there is also the other end of the spectrum we seem to forget. Since coming off my meds, I have realized how beautiful the world is. I look at people and find them beautiful. The wind blowing through the trees in the morning while I drink my coffee is heavenly bliss. The birds singing in the branches and the sun coming through my living room window is absolutely awe-inspiring to me. Every morning I go for an early walk and I come home refreshed from the beauty I just took in.

These are experiences that Adderall could never give me. Getting clean has really taught me to sloww down..to take my time and to really take in the small things. I know this is cliche but I am truly learning that the small and simple things really are the best things in life. There is something soooo beautiful about being sober, I swear it moves me to tears a lot of days. I am very emotional and hyper-sensitive to any stimuli, even more so since coming off the stims.

It can be a double-edged sword. It makes the pain more painful, but the good times become great times. I literally find myself crying over the silliest things. If I see someone sharing a positive word of encouragement online- I tear up. When I see someone helping someone else in need- I can feel tears forming. Sitting with my cat and just watching her gives me so much joy. I want to cry thinking about how happy I am to be sober. It has been such a hard road, and a lot of time it can become easy to fall into the thinking trap that drugs took away a life that I will never get back. But for me, and many others, the exact opposite happened. We received a new life- a real and sustainable life, and it's beautiful. The pain and the joy I experience are just two co-existing states that come and go, ebbs and flows like any other emotion.

I am learning to accept life in all seasons and circumstances, Because there is beauty all around, at all times- you just need to open up your eyes!

Love you all. Stay safe

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I remember feeling this way when I was sober like 10 years ago.  I would sit on my back porch and drink coffee and watch a lizard.  I named him Rasputin.  :)  He was there every morning with his big orange neck that would come out each time he breathed.  (I live in FL so that is not weird lol.)  I really remember how beautiful it was to just be.  Now, that was before kids, so I tell myself that even if I were off meds I wouldn't have that time.  But that is not true.  I still have moments when I am moved to tears by beautiful things... I just am moving constantly at breakneck speed.  So... thank you for this reminder.  I needed to read this. 


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