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Any Success with Antidepressants?


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Hey Newboy,

I've been off of Effexor for a short while now. To be honest, I felt like it was a zero factor for me. I feel pretty much the same as before. It was not addictive or anything. It has been easy to get off of it.

I don't know... Perhaps for other people it's had more of an impact. I love being on nothing though. It's been years since I've been on nothing. I know for sure I won't ever be taking pills again.

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I've been on wellbutrin -- i just think the "pill free mentality" is a good one to adopt for anyone recovering from adderall...pill popping is what got us here...

I am not really one to speak though as I've been on effexor since quitting until maybe a week ago...

Just for me, these antidepressant pills haven't really done anything...

Not living the life of a hopeless/frustrated addict is honestly the best cure-all for stuff like depression

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I think I spoke to soon. It's not addictive like adderall or anything like that but maybe I shouldn't have gone completely cold turkey off of an antidepressant. Getting off effexor has not been a walk in the park (its been worth it, but not a walk in the park). The first week was really, really easy.

Then week 2 - I started getting specific to effexor withdrawal problems - insomnia, impulses/shocks and joint pain.

Two days ago I was shivering under a blanket and in a total daze. Today I am ok.

I suppose that's what happens when you mess with all the chemicals in your head?? I think in a couple days i should be fine. I don't expect it to last too much longer..??

And when its over, it will be back to just regular adderall PAWS..,lol

(I wonder if Effexor was helping with my PAWS??) But, you know.. I still think taking pills as a solution is a terrible way to deal with things. And that the longer on them the more it weakens our ability to deal with stuff on our own...whether its anxiety, or pain or tiredness or whatever...

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I went through the Effexor withdrawal recently. I did taper down, because (for me) with antidepressants, it was better. I was in my adderall haze at the time, but the withdrawal wasn't too bad, besides the part where it feels like your brain is getting electrocuted. I agree with you that taking pills as a solution is not the solution, but I don't view antidepressants the same as I view adderall. Tapering wasn't an option with adderall, because it would never happen. I just don't think you should necessarily have to go cold turkey on antidepressants. I'm glad it's going okay for you, though. The withdrawal from Effexor was pleasant in comparison to adderall withdrawal....hang in there!

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The electrocution thing is really bizarre! I am still getting electrocuted but the impulses are weaker now. What a bizarre withdrawal side effect.

You're right though effexor withdrawal is wonderful compared to adderall withdrawal...I probably should have tapered off effexor so it wasn't like a total shock (no pun intended) to my body..cold turkey wasnt really necessary, but now I might as well just finish what I started..

Adderall though I agree had to be stopped cold turkey. I didn't have any control when it came to adderall. The only way I could get out of that mess was to get off of it cold turkey - and then deal with it.

it's really good to see you clean. you too, hang in there!

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The electrocution thing happens with Cymbalta withdrawal too. The drug company was forced to include it on the packaging insert. For years they told people that there was no Cymbalta withdrawal. I guess it is how some doctors don't believe in adderall withdrawal, despite what patients keep telling them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

it took me roughly two weeks to get through an abrupt effexor withdrawal..when the electrocution thing stopped i knew I was home-free. Only two weeks! Withdrawal was just incomparable to adderall withdrawal!

tinybuddha, I am surprised doctors are not more aware of adderall/amphetamine withdrawal...If they just googled adderall withdrawal they would find a million things on it.

(I dont know how I stumbled on this, but I found it really

It is a documentary all about big pharma and their crazy relationship with prescribing docs..it will really make you rethink the doctors office).
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