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im broke

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okay, so there are soooo many helpful things listed here for the assistance of leaving this marvelously disguised destroyer of self behind such as natural supplementation along with coping strategies which i have found to be quite helpful and uplifting; but these plans are seemingly expensive. Any words of wisdom for those of us on a tight budget? because honestly a large factor in my dependency is money based stress unfortunately. Not to be a downer but its hard not to refill a script when you cant afford inspiring activities and natural supplementation in conjunction with the perpetual "blah" mentality. im only 3 days in and would much appreciate the advice

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Dear I'm Broke,

I was also broke. I went through a very dark time during the first couple weeks to about 1 month. It was hard and it seemed hopeless. Completely hopeless. I cried all the time. I hated feeling lazy and sluggish. I was afraid of losing important things in my life. But I just did it. I dealt with it. I tried to embrace sleeping- after all, I hadn't really slept well in awhile. I convinced myself that my body NEEDED it. I ate to cope. Yes I gained 15-20 pounds, but you know what? Eating helped and it was something I could enjoy with little effort. I told those that were close to me what I was doing, that also helped. My boyfriend even helped me clean my apartment as I had completely let things go into only week 2. I could barely get out of bed to shower.

But then the first month passed. Month 2 was much more bearable. And now at 2.5 months, I can't believe I ever felt the way I did. My life IS better without addy. I'm a better person without it. I can go to law school without popping pills and I can keep up without it. In fact, I've found, I can keep up better.

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Amp up your vitamin intake and try to buy drinks with electrolytes. That really seemed to help me. I also popped B6 vitamins 4-5 times a day. It seemed like a nice safety blanket and if you buy potent ones it really does help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You don't need a bunch of expensive supplements. The best thing you can do is eat a healthy diet, which is a whole foods plant based diet with minimal to no animal products. That's how I eat today and I feel great. The first few months after quitting I did eat a lot of hard boiled eggs as I was craving a lot of protein, but now I eat maybe one egg a week, if that, and virtually no meat or dairy (i don't obsess about it). The cool thing is that it's cheaper to eat this way. I really upped my intake of fruit, veggies and beans after reading the amazing book "the China study" . Highly recommended reading.

The only supplement I took after quitting was l-tyrosine as it helps support dopamine production. It's very inexpensive. I took it for the first two months after quitting and I think it cost $8 for the bottle. The other thing you will need to do is exercise and you can accomplish that by walking or jogging, or whatever activities you enjoy doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The China Study - what an amazing book...it will really make you rethink nutrition..

For those interested in following the diet...which you might want to think about after the post adderall weight bump...

1. as much fruit, vegetables, nuts, as you want in any given day...

2. minimal amounts of grains

3. no meat

While I find it impossible to give up meat, i do bulk up on vegetables a lot because they keep me full. Sometimes I have vegetarian burgers, or portabella mushroom burgers...I hear whole foods has a new hit product that is substitute chicken that tastes just like chicken

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