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Cancelled my prescription today


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First, congratulations.

Second, I've always been interested in what the aftermath is for telling your doctor you don't want any more adderall. I would expect that most doctor's would be suspicous if all of a sudden you said "No, stop, I no longer want you to prescribe me adderall," especially if you are like me and ask for more of it every month and are constantly finding ways to get a faster script refill.

My main concern is that the doctor could in some way "blacklist" you or set some kind of red flag for future visits or even other doctors. If I tell my doctor to stop prescribing, does that mean it's gone forever?

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Please. I told my doctor that I was quitting (had quit) Adderall because it was extremely addictive. She said, and I quote, "You weren't addicted, you had a tolerance to the medication, like people have a tolerance to coffee."


I told her there's a huge difference between needing a cup of coffee to wake up in the morning and the psychological addiction of not being able to do anything without an amphetamine because it takes the effort out of everything in your life. Needless to say, she did not seem convinced.

Not only are most doctors in complete denial of the addictiveness of amphetamines (because they've never tried them), but they will believe whatever bullshit they are fed by the drug sales reps. Plus, if you were a doctor, would it be more sooting to your ego to think, "I created an addict" or "My patient has become tolerant of this medication, much as I am to caffeine."

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