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stomach ulcer

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Hi all,

I just spent all weekend throwing up. Like every hour. I'd gone to the gastroenterologist a couple of weeks ago and he wanted to do an endoscopy for a stomach ulcer or GERD but I am so bloody sick of going to the doctor I didn't go through with it.

But here is my question: has anyone had post-adderall issues with stomach acid? I never struggled with this the whole time I was on adderall, but things started playing up about 3 weeks after I quit. I'm trying to find out if there's any correlation.

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Yup. I started having stomach problems before I quit adderall and they continued for about a year thereafter. I am not sure whether it had anything do do with taking adderall, or adderall withdrawl, but I discovered what was causing my discomfort and it came down to three things:

1) Drinking milk

2) eating too much sugar

3) Being slightly overweight

My problems were worse at night and I could not even sleep on my right side because of the GERD. Of course quitting milk and sugar before bedtime solved this problem. In fact I now abstain from drinking milk. Since I discovered the causes of my GERD last summer and I also lost my post adderall weight gain, I have been GERD-free.

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Ugh. I think the sugar may not help - I know spicy foods are a nightmare. I don't drink milk really (don't like the taste) and although I may not be able to run a marathon, I'm smack bang in the healthy weight category. Still haven't got religion about juicing yet (I like to eat my food, I'm traditional like that) but all roads lead to rome... my husband thinks I need a complete renovation and I don't disagree.

Once I can chew solid food again, I'll be following all your advice and eating better. I hope.

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YES. Absolutely. I used to have the WORST..Worst.. acid reflux/heartburn/GERD/whatever it was from adderall. There would be several nights where I couldn't even sleep at night because it was so horrible. It burned all the way up my throat and literally felt like it was burning a whole in my body or something. I had tired over the counter heartburn medication, prescription heartburn medication, home remedies, and more.. but to be honest.. the thing I found the helped the most was ALOE VERA Juice. My friend's mom suggested this to me one night when I stayed at her house. I believe it might be like $20-$30 but you can buy it at Walmart.. I know that after it's opened it's supposed to be kept in the fridge as well. Annnnd you might be thinking that it sounds like it might taste disgusting but it really didn't.. at least not to me. It kind of tastes like lime juice but a little milder. You just drink like a glass of it before bed and it does wonders. You should really look it up! Drinking aloe vera juice actually has several health benefits from it and is really good for your body!! Promise! But yeah.. the heartburn/acid reflux stuff sucks.. It was always the worst for me at night too.. I believe it does have something to do with adderall as well.

*** Oh and I've read that what you might be feeling or the heartburn/acid reflux burning could actually be the complete opposite of heartburn and acid reflux lol. I can't remember what it's called.. but it's when your body isn't making enough acid or doesn't have the right ph levels or something in it.. it causes the same identical symptoms as heartburn/acid reflux/gerd would. Look it up!

Besides aloe vera juice.. another great thing to try is PROBIOTICS! They help balance all that digestion/gastro problems out.

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