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addie induced tixs


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Its called mumbling by my mother, a tourettes tic,...(isn't that when you yell mother fucker for no reason and swipe your nose nsync??? LOL ) talking to myself, and many other takes people have on it. I call it thinking out loud. Hahaha. I sometimes realize I'm doing it... thought I always realized it...but ill be in a store looking at stuff and another shopper will kinda just turn and look at me...ill notice they are and often catch a humm coming from myself at the same time. Its fairly subtle I think..when I would go to bed when my husband was home ...I'd sigh repeatedly before falling asleep...he thought it was cute(goddddd dude) like a sign of contentment (don't know about that) had this even when I had 3 years of adderall ....nothing prior to starting to take adderall back in like 2002. I have used adderall beyond excessively...from 2002-2005 I'd estimate 400-500 mgs a day. 2005 - late 2006 I'd reach 30- 30's a day. I'd start every day with a handful of 10-12 of them...drop 3 at a time 5-6 times thru the day. Doctors were shocked when I outed my ass that I was still alive. I have been told my heart has shown an enlargement(I have yet to.see the cardiologist ) to see just how much. I was clean from 2006 -2009. This last time I got up to 300- 400 daily. Will this mumbling ever end..is there a cure??? I'm hoping the heart stuff will be of the reversible variety...shocked that drs. I went for psych providers for pills over regular drs. To avoid the blood pressure cuff...I've had many a nurse ...laugh and go "that can't be right..ill do it again " I'm over 2 weeks into the best cure I could fuckin think of ...stopping. any experiences anyone's had I'd love to hear. Thanks

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Hey neversaynever Hi sister I do the same thing course out loud in public ore Evan when theirs no one around. I think we do it out of frustration I now I do I will course to my self out loud and sometimes course at myself . I now its crazy butt what the fuck we are jest venting its our own little therapy .FALCON

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For the first few weeks after I quit, I could not control my swearing in public. It was embarrasing at work when I was working with the customers. Sometimes I would catch myself whistling or singing where others could hear me. And the repetetive tics I developed while taking adderall, those just gradually went away with time after i quit. I certainly have empathy for those afflicted with tourettes.

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Neversaynever, I know exactly what you are talking about!!!definitely caused by adderall!. It was really bad after I quit, and got better but didn't go away. I'll have it when other people are not around but when people are around I can control myself. I really hope this isn't here to stay but it's been awhile.

I wonder what is going on chemically that causes this...

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I have a randomness with names. Sometimes I will just blurt out a name of someone for no reason, or be referring to them but call them a totally wrong name even though I meant to call them their real name. Today at a networking lunch I was thinking of someone and I called out someone's name that was completely different and that I literally haven't seen for 9 or 10 years. Weird.

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Well,I'm not going crazy alone anyway!!!! Just as I was typing this I caught the humming and what I'm noticing is that it happens a lot when I'm active doing somethings that's hands on. Hmmmm???? Almost making me think that its like my brain is engaged in the task....it blocks out or doesn't pick up on the lower activity(the hum). But when it shifts in the task...it picks up the tix occurring. Although have said they can control it...I kinda can't all the time. It doesn't register till I'm already doing it, the online medical community may be in my research on this tonite. I'm glad I finally got this topic up...I had been thinking about for like a week now. Thanks guys!!

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  • 1 month later...

Hello! ^U^

I thought I'd post in here as well, as I recently learned about Tourette's in AP Psych.

I was first diagnosed with ADD at age 10. I was put on Concerta, which did ABSOLUTELY nothing. I was then put on Adderall. I have been taking it for maybe around age 12 or so. I am 17 1/2 now, almost 18 years old. Adderall helped some, but I've noticed some odd things.

I do tend to sing (A LOT, in fact) in public, and I feel like I can't seem to help myself. I love singing, mind you, and I even sing at home (where my parents are constantly telling me to stfu ^^;), but I would have my music on and just start singin or humming, solftly at first, and the I'd get so loud. An then people would tell me to stop singing or to (rudely) shut up.

I also noticed I tend to sometimes crank my neck to the side or my leg would twitch ever so gently sometimes (my leg's not a problem, but I thought about it, and noticed it does twitch more that it does). Or I would just sit there and my leg would start to rapidly go up and down like I have to go to the restroom. Or like I'm really hyper (which is rare, unless I've consumed Monster or a fairly large amount of sugar). I also sometimes tend to stutter.

Should I talk to a neurologist? I mean, I'm not worried a lot, but it's a bit unsettling to me. ^^;

I have some OCD tendencies (if that does even make a difference) about equal numbers and or if something looks crooked I just want to fix it. It if a string is out of place sometimes I tend to mess with it non-stop until it's the way I want it to be.

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