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Adderall Analogy: A Bird Flying Into a Strong Headwind


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Have you ever seen a bird trying to fly into a strong headwind? That is exactly what taking adderall is like. You take that pill and you take flight. You feel amazing, the view is beautiful, and you never ever want to come down. Everyone else is taking notice, "wow. That guy is in an awesome mood. He is so productive! I can't believe he can do all these things with a smile on his face!"

Then, after awhile, you realize that you're stuck in the same place you started flying. You haven't moved towards any of your real goals. Sure, you're still flying, but the view hasn't changed. The feeling isn't nearly as breathtaking as it was when you first started. You aren't sure where you're even trying to fly to anymore.

So you stop. You quit taking the drug. You come down, and crash back into reality. It stinks at first because you're not flying anymore. It felt so awesome and exhilarating when you first started taking it, but after awhile, you realized that you just weren't going anywhere. And then after awhile, you realize that you never needed adderall to start flying in the first place. You notice that your real goals were in a different direction. Finally, you understand that you can take flight without Adderall, and eventually, you do, this time with the wind, and you start making progress towards what really matters to you most.

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