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Sky's the limit!

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gonna be 3 months on the 21st.

CONGRATS SKY on your 3 month anniversary, adderall free. You even had a presidential inaugration to ensure you never forget the solemnity and importance of this moment. Hope you give yourself a big pat on the back, and a big virtual round of applause from all of us.

How do you feel today?!

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lol real good thank you!!

actually still in bed, and it's past noon, this is not one of the Successful Habits of Highly Affective People... or however the title goes. But besides being a lazy ass today, I'm feeling good!

edit: Not normally still in bed past noon, couldn't fall asleep, and then my cat was keeping me up with his marching around and meowing at the crack ass of dawn, so I put in ear plugs and put on a eye cover mask thingy and then way overslept... not typical though.

and yes, I was having some round about 90 days ho-hum bla-ness that was a real bummer there for like a week or so, and to combat it I took a bunch of bike rides, read stuff that made me feel better, chanted, exercised, and waited for it to pass, which I knew it would, and it did.

So yeah, 90 days since I last took adderall, and it is good. Still hoping for a profound increase in natural energy and motivation, creativity, qi, etc... and I'm not sitting on my hands waiting for the miracle to happen to me, I am actively doing shit that I think is moving me towards that end, but still waiting to feel it.

90 days off adderall, and my drug of choice for like almost 20 years, weed, and 6 weeks since my last cigarette... wow.

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Well, you never lost your humor this whole time. You add so much light and wisdom through your quips and connections, Sky. One thing I love about the contributions you make is that you are at once pragmatic AND spiritual. That's a rare balance. Great stuff, keep it up!

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Hey SKY I am proud of you my brother I new you had it in you to stay clean you and i are not out of the woods yet the main thing here is you are giving 110 % of your will power brother you have my full respect and I don’t give it out unless you errand it and you have. Get up and do that thing

Your friend and comrade in the fight to quitting adderall FALCON

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I'm not sitting on my hands waiting for the miracle to happen to me, I am actively doing shit that I think is moving me towards that end, but still waiting to feel it.

Congrats on 90 days.. and doin' all you can, no doubt it'll pay off

"Wrong does not result from right, and a good present cannot give birth to a bad future" - J.A. ;)

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hi my brother the walks are great its is very peaceful out on the trail no traffic piece and quiet one with nature if you no what I mean and the whether is the only thing keeping me from walking as long as its 20 degrees or above with the sun shining I am OK with hiking I usually pack 20 pounds of bricks in my bag pack to build my endurance and strength up it feels good when I am finished natural high. Today was not a good day for me felt like shit if you no what I mean .

Thank you for your friendship FALCON

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yo my brother falcon! I do know what you mean, up and down and up and down and sometimes sideways.... it sucks, I think though, that it is definitely a part of recovery that we can expect... especially at certain times: 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years.... I dunno how it goes after 1 year, but from what I remember from when I was younger, it definitely seems to hit at certain "birthdays". Good to hear that you're doing things to combat it, and hopefully it warms up there soon, it's like spring here these days, wonderful... do you really pack 20lbs of bricks in a back pack?? dude be careful of your back and shoulders!! you're like Rocky or something!

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Hmm let's see, between those of us who are ADHD and couldn't organize a drinking competition at a brewery, and those of us who are so much in withdrawal that the idea of planning ANYTHING sounds like way too much work, I'd say, uh, 2034?

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