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Within the next month or two..


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I'm going to get off my anti-depressant, I'm at the lowest dose..but I've noticed a few negatives.

-My temper is really horrible on it

-There are no real lows or highs to life, it's all equilibrium

-I'm horny all the time

-I'm "nicer," but it's all fake.

I miss being me, even if I am a cynical asshole. I'm going to ween myself off in about a month..because then I will be three months adderall free (since my one day relapse since september)

I just felt like posting this because I can always vent and express myself on this forum, it's excellent..

Goodnight everyone.

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yo chaos, just fyi, when I quit the wellbutrin, it was cold turkey, and I noticed NOTHING- it was like I was popping m&m's every morning and then stopped... I definitely noticed the wellbutrin, especially at first, I went like 2 weeks on a few hours sleep a nite and was fine, was thirsty as could be, and stimulated... (and this was long before the addy) but I decided to stop taking it and just stopped... and nothing (though I was taking addy when I stopped the wellbutrin)

vs, when I stopped taking prozac and I was light headed in waves for months, I'd have this wave wash over me and then dissipate, but it took months and months to go away. I think when you're ready to stop taking it, it won't be hard. but let us know. could have been an anomaly.

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Hey brother sounds like your feeling better don’t get off the wellbuterin wright now it is typical for people on antidepressants to want to get off because the drug is doing its job and you feel good wright now you say to your self I don’t need this drug any more I feel fine this is what you are experiencing now its typical stay on it for a little longer if you ween off now your depression will return trust me bro I have bin there many times listen to my experience learn from my mistakes .The drug is jest now starting to do its job give it a little more time so you can recover properly then when you feel like weening off in about 3 to 6 mounts do it. I tolled you you will not need to be on welbutrin long term. Your friend FALCON

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Hi Kyle,

I think you're going to see some differing opinions here. I think you've been on it long enough to have seen the side effects play out. If it is in fact making you agitated, etc, then maybe it's not the drug for you. But just before you do come off it maybe consider the things you posted about it in the first place re your ADD - has it helped make you more focused? More consistent moods? Maybe write a list of the pros and cons and figure out for yourself if it is working for you.

Finally, if you do come off it make sure you step down rather than cold turkey. In the periods where I haven't taken it for a while (frankly because I kept forgetting), my depression returned with a vengeance. Then again, I'm not sure if it's an antidepressant you need? Doesn't sound like you are suffering from depression, maybe it's more like bipolar... I'm not sure... what does your doc think?

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  On 2/1/2013 at 2:31 PM, Motivation_Follows_Action said:

Hi Kyle,

I think you're going to see some differing opinions here. I think you've been on it long enough to have seen the side effects play out. If it is in fact making you agitated, etc, then maybe it's not the drug for you. But just before you do come off it maybe consider the things you posted about it in the first place re your ADD - has it helped make you more focused? More consistent moods? Maybe write a list of the pros and cons and figure out for yourself if it is working for you.

Finally, if you do come off it make sure you step down rather than cold turkey. In the periods where I haven't taken it for a while (frankly because I kept forgetting), my depression returned with a vengeance. Then again, I'm not sure if it's an antidepressant you need? Doesn't sound like you are suffering from depression, maybe it's more like bipolar... I'm not sure... what does your doc think?

I'm def. not bipolar.

I appreciate the input guys, I'll stay on it a little while longer and just run more when I get pissed off.

I tend to make spiratic choices, so I'm glad I can consult you guys before I do something stupid.

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Why don't you take half the dose and see how you feel? You can cut the Sr pills in half - it doesn't break the time release. When I took wellbutrin a long time ago I took 50 mg Sr/day because 100mg was too much, and my doc agreed that it was fine to cut them, and cost effective.

But I believe if you want to just stop taking it altogether, you shouldn't be discouraged from doing so.

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Not sure what you mean by, "I'll just run more"... but antidepressants aren't like adderall or other fast acting drugs, you can't and won't see much difference by taking more/less each dose. It's long acting (ie has a really long half life) so you won't see immediate differences by doing it that way. I'd just pick a dose and stick with it for at least a month. It's not something you want to fuck around with the dosage on.

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10 years ago, I took Wellbutrin I had to stop it abruptly after the first month because I developed an allergy to it (the dye in the compound actually). I was scared I would experience some sort of effects just stopping suddenly, but I didn't. Doc said it's not like Paxil or others whereby you have to wean off.

(OT: I feel like ALL my posts are always "yep, me too. yeah, I did that too. that happened to me too..." and I'm starting to feel like a jerk.... sorry :/)

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  On 2/1/2013 at 11:10 PM, Kyle_Chaos said:

I just wish I knew someone who knew if taking it will mess up my dopamine receptors recovering properly..

I wish I knew someone who had taken it in the beginning of recovery and still successfully recovered.

Go ask a pharmacist and report back.

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  On 2/2/2013 at 12:17 AM, Motivation_Follows_Action said:

My friend is a neuropsychopharmacologist and a teaching fellow at Cornell Medical School and I was curious so I asked him and he said he didn't really know but he didn't think so. So there's your answer.

That's good enough for me.

Appreciate it!

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