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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Thank you a lot. I am willing to admit that I'm ADDICTIED. I just need to be more outgoing and that's hard with my addiction.
  2. I used to take 5-10 of them every couple of hours. I would be up for 5 days straight not eating to the point where I didn't have the energy to lift my arms or even walk.
  3. I'm not on unsafe amounts anymore but I have a history of it and I don't want to be that person again.
  4. I need a friend. I can't quit with the way my life is at the moment. I want to quit but I have to wait for a month or two. Its going to be rough and I really could use a friend who will understand what I'm going through. I talk to my friends but they don't understand and I can't expect them too.
  5. Thank you im glad I found it! Well I'm scared that if I don't now then I never will. What if I just keep postponing it? I'm already going through a bad case of depression and with all this extra stress it might get worse. Then I'll never want to stop.
  6. I want to quit but idk if its the right time. I'm moving to a house that needs a lot of work. I'm also graduating in a month and don't want to mess that up. I took one this morning and I'm already hearing the voices saying "wtf are you doing?"
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