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Everything posted by rick

  1. Motivation_Follows_Action - I have ordered it it sounds up my alley for sure. Its nice that I can look back at that sort of thing and feel good about leaving it behind. Good luck with the job hunt! what kind of job is it that you are looking for? and SearchingSoul9- I wish I could help you a bit more because I know exactly where you are coming from. I too have loved research even before taking adderall. But concerning binge eating, I found out for the most part that it really didn't matter what I binged on (not veggies tho lol) I still had the same euphoric reaction. So I would try and find something that had at least one redeeming quality about it. I personally am a HUGE fan of dark chocolate and I think that it probably comes from my binge eating days. Dark chocolate has fiber and a ton of antioxidants. I'm not sure whether the best route is changing the things you are eating but the cycle (as I'm sure you know) is very taxing on the body and really there has to be a better solution than adderall.. Is your binge eating less severe off of weed? Also how are you feeling on day 3?
  2. searchingsoul9- it definitely seems we have a lot in common lol. it's kinda strange. i definitely always thought of myself as having used adderall to quit weed as nonsensical as that sounds. i knew that quitting weed would push me away from my friends because almost all of my friends smoked weed. that was really the main topic when we would hang out.... adderall already does a good job i think of isolating you and adding quitting weed into the picture and i became pretty lonely. i had a hard time building new relationships on adderall and off weed so here i am quitting adderall lol. yeah same thought patterns it seems. also on the eating disorder topic, i used to be a binge eater and then purge by exercising or i wouldn't and i would just hate myself... when i quit weed and starting eating healthy it really vanished. i don't mean to say that your eating disorder isnt in a whole different ball park than what i had, but it might be worth trying? do you eat nutritiously?
  3. Searchingsoul9- I dunno how much weed you smoke but I used to smoke A LOT. I'm almost 5 months clean from weed (after smoking it since I was 14) and I never thought it would make so much of a difference. IF you smoke regularly may I suggest you consider quitting that as well. I know weed is a completely different story but seeing what it has done for me makes me want to recommend it... Yeah not trying to force it down your throat or anything (focus on adderall recovery) but I think it's worth looking into. Falcon- thanks for the support I will be sure to post some more. It might sound bad but I really don't share my addiction stories with anyone in real life :/
  4. Neversaynever- you might be the hottest mom i have ever seen lol....... I guess the website wasn't kidding about adderall people being attractive?
  5. It's definitely got it's ups and downs lol. I feel so much more evened out so-to-speak. My personality is the same throughout the day. Unfortunately I need to apply to more schools (because I'm transferring after spring semester) and that has been hard.... I still have time but yeah... this is my first major task. Quitting over the break has been good. I'm glad I was able to have christmas sober and enjoy all the good food and have a personality lol. Only wish it were summer break :/
  6. Searchingsoul9- I'm right here with you dreading the start of school again... For me the 22nd I'm on day 16 though... Stay strong during your recovery keep us posted ya know?
  7. Oh wow I only saw the first page of this thread lol >.<
  8. OK let me see if I can add anything here. I did quite a bit of research before I got my script for adderall. I thought that I had it all figured out. I knew deep down that drugs weren't a solution to my problems but that is really besides the point. I was determined to have control over my adderall use and let it affect me in as few negative ways as possible. I have in fact experienced few of the negative side effects that Motivation_Follows_Action has listed. During my year of adderall use which I am ONLY 16 days over I had maintained good nutrition, exercise, organization of tasks at hand. The fact of the matter is though that adderall is a drug. I could literally feel the changes mentally going on. Physically I honestly have never been more fit and healthy, my blood pressure and composition engineered by adderall. But the mental pain is excruciating! The side effects will catch up with you even if you have the best of intentions. Sometimes its hard to put those side effects into words and I think that is why the negative effects are hard to articulate. Over the past year I have longed to let go of adderall. I have done some pretty cool things over the last year but I am skeptical it was adderall. The power that adderall promises is not real. I dunno whether adderall changes brain circuitry but your mental state isn't something you want to mess with.
  9. Motivation_Follows_Action- I'm feeling really well actually. This is the longest time that I have been 100% sober in many years. I'm really enjoying this time that I have given myself but it's strange too. I'm building myself up to apply for colleges and get back to school on the 22nd but the next couple of weeks are not going to be easy without adderall. I feel a bit more impulsive and this is good and bad. Although some people might say that the first 10 days or so is hardest, the hardest for me will definitely be during the semester or when I am facing some sort of deadline or project. I've turned myself into a bit of an overachiever... This is really the only place where I have talked about using adderall outside of like the 2 appointments I have had with my doctor lol. I've been on it for a year (Dec '11-Dec '12). Although I would love to stay off of all drugs (which I have besides adderall), adderall is proving to be especially bitchy. Thanks for asking . Hbu?
  10. Its funny that your productivity has actually improved. I'm on day 11 and although I have exercised and gone out with friends I still find myself dreading waking up and getting my day started because of a lack of energy. Last night I quite easily slept 11 hours and I am not sleep deprived lol. I'll have to start getting back to my old self now that the holidays are over but I wish it were summer break and not winter break (from school that is). It's going to be a struggle going back to schooollllllll... I'm finding relationships a bit easier too. The social anxiety that adderall brings is gone. Though the relationships that I had on adderall were very real to me they still feel more genuine now than before. I love that this site enables us to connect with people who are going through similar stages. Also nice picture XD I wasn't sure which one was real until I clicked on the zoomed in one.
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