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QuittingAdderall.com Forums

Adderallics Anonymous

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Everything posted by Adderallics Anonymous

  1. Thank you it really does mean a lot to hear support like that. Especially because i don't have anyone that can empathize what im going through in my daily life!
  2. Just over a month now & its getting so hard...I have obligations with school, work, ect & they're so much harder than before. Because of that people around me are saying maybe now isnt the time to quit....but i wanna be off the meds so badly :/ I have so little patience when it comes to feeling this bad...and I still have months to go...
  3. Anyone else here have experience quitting after being on a low dose for an extended period of time? It seems most posters here talking about revovery from shorter term binges.
  4. I was originally put on adderall at age 7. 23 years old now and 26 days into trying to quit. Having a rough time. Ive been on this stuff for so long, and since i was so young that i feel like...i dont know the real me that isnt high on amphetamines. I have accomplished some pretty special things in my life, but i feel like a lot of it of it hasnt been through my own intrinsic motivation, but through synthetic motivation...that being the adderall. The goal of quitting for me is to find & bring out that intrinsic motivation. If theres one thing that gives me hope, its that I havent upped my dose much at all, and ive never taken more than my prescribed amount. The most ive ever been on has been 20mg adderall XR's or 36mg XR concerta once per day. ...but again it has been for 15 years. Can anybody estimate a time frame for recovery? These last 26 days have been rough. So glad this forum exists! would love to talk through things to some of you on here. Thank you
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