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  1. Hi everyone! This is my first post. So I quit adderall cold turkey about 2 months ago. At the time I was taking 30mg a day. My doses have went up and down over the years but basically I have been consistently on the drug for 7 years straight up until 2 months ago. My question is... I've had a headache usually every day ever since and even occasionally before I quit. I got my wisdom teeth pulled 2 weeks ago and since then my headaches have gotten worse and last from the time I wake up till I go to bed, and 3 times in the last week they've turned into migraines at night. My oral surgeon said headaches after surgery are common for people already "prone" to headaches. Anyway is this a normal symptom after stopping adderall? I just think 2 months is a long time for withdrawals. But idk what else it could be. I've seen a neurologist twice and had an MRI and still no answers. Nothing over the counter works. Can you suggest something I take prescription or not that will help? Thanks!
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