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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Posts posted by Posie

  1. I wonder how normal it is to feel like you have the flu or something when you finally quit?? I slept for like 10 hours last night (!), got up, and then my throat started to hurt, then went back to sleep for at least an hour and now feel like a complete zombie! It's so strange. I am deeply thankful that I don't feel depressed as depression has been a familiar shadow in my life, but I feel that brain fog people have been writing about. Or really like my whole body is in a fog, like I can hardly hold my head up! I keep thinking that being in public, at a library or something, could help me at least feel more normal but I can't even muster the energy to put on real clothes. Leggings and uggs for me. I guess that's kind of real clothes haha. The rationalizing is beginning--just fill the script this last time, get this one section of the dissertation and then give myself two weeks to loaf around. But I am already two days in. Maybe I should just kick it now??

  2. It is so crazy to me that i can walk into any psych's office and get this stuff, just like that. The first time I went I purposely picked an older conservative man and then talked about how much I was fighting with my husband because of my complete lack of organization and messiness. It's true, yes, but isn't there another way to deal with ADD? And that this drug is being handed out to children? It's awful. My brother has been on it now also for about five years and he is getting skinnier and skinnier and is beginning to actually LOOK like a meth head. His eyes go all crazy, he doesn't eat, he hardly sleeps. He's one of the reason I want to get off the drug and lead an authentic life. Reading your stories is so helpful to me. My friends do not understand how much this stuff gets under your skin, how much you want to take it to do ANYTHING. Like, oh I need to write a thank you note to grandma? take adderall! oh i need to clean? take adderall! oh, how about baking a cake?? Adderall will make the cake so much better and more fun to make! F-THAT. I am so over this chemical bullshit destroying my soul. I can't pretend that clean thing efficent feeling isn't calling my name, it is, and maybe always will be.

    This is my third time quitting. I have an appointment with a DR. in two days. I want to cancel but I also want to get my work done.

    Thank you everyone for your supportive words.

  3. Ok, I think I can do this. I am just going to use these message boards to shout out to the universe even--it's still helpful even if I don't get a respond.

    I sat at my computer today and did nothing at all. I didn't get fired from my job because my job is just to produce words on a page but I just sat here like a lump. I researched adderall addiction, I found this site, I felt brief moments of sinking despaire countered by bursts of elation at the thought of being drug free. Then laziness, then back to bed, then more and more food. I always feel better when night falls-more energized in general, and i went to a high intensity exercise class. While I am still not writing my project I feel much more clear than I did earlier in the day.

    I have been clean for one day and I feel good about that. And don't worry, I won't keep using this as a journal! ;)

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  4. I have been taking adderall for about four years, starting when I entered a Phd program. On the drug I did the usual: stayed up all night writing, researching, and just generally "enjoying" all the time I spent all speeded up and being scholarly. I have now completed my course work and aced my qualifying exams--something that seemed designed for those of us who take the drug--and am now working on my dissertation. I am in a unique, and I suppose lucky, situation where I am ONLY working on the disseration--no teaching or other part time jobs. Because I don't want to be on this drug forever, and because I really want to get pregnant, I have decided to ween myself off. Yesterday was my last day. Today is my first day without it and I canot stop obsessing about how to get my hands on it. I made an appointment with a psychiatrist to get some more but again, I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE IT ANYMORE.

    So. What do to? Part of me wants to go out and score some on the street. And I keep thinking--I'll just take some to get through this chapter, this assignment, this one last thing...but I know there is never one last thing. It's called life and I want to relearn how to live it with a clear--and sober--mind.

    That's it. I'm committed to stopping on one hand but the other hand is grasping in the dark for the pill. Cognitive dissonance, indeed.

    Any advice would be really helpful.


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