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QuittingAdderall.com Forums


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Everything posted by Back2me

  1. I agree, thank you so much again for being understanding and responsive
  2. Thank you for your reply. I am going to be moving soon which is a BIG change for me and I have a lot to do before I am settled in. I will be living by myself and I am afraid I am going to get depressed if I quit cold turkey, but after having settled into my new place, I think I will have time to really work on myself and taper off these drugs for good. I could not agree more with you saying what good is happiness, motivation, etc if it's pseudo. I long to stray away from this mentality and live out my life in a healthier, natural, and more organic way. It is so good to hear that it does get better. I work from home, and when I move, I will be working remotely there as well. Which is why I think once I have settled into this adjustment it would be an optimal time for me to really work on quitting. Since I don't have to "face" people on a day-to-day basis, I could use that to my advantage. I am not going to lie, I have not begun to quit yet. Not happy about reporting that, but my life is taking a drastic turn so I don't want to overwhelm myself since it is a commitment. I am that much more happy, however, knowing I have a support group of complete strangers to turn to. It really gives me faith in this whole process/challenge I will be facing sooner or later.
  3. Thanks so much guys. I know there is no such thing as waiting for the right time to quit other than now. Sometimes I look at people I work with or humanity in general and think, "how are they doing all of this with no meds?" I know that sounds horrendous but it's the truth bc of my growing dependency. Especially as a woman, I feel like there is pressure to be organized, tidy, detail-oriented, etc. I know that sounds sexist, but I do not mean it to be. I feel like that's part of the problem, it is making me feel more and more like day-to-day tasks are impossible without the assistance of these meds. I wish I could be just as happy, motivated, and organized naturally because before the meds, I was happy but lacked the motivation, confidence, and motor skills to be successful.
  4. Thank you so much for your reply. It means a lot and it is very inspiring Do you take any supplements now to help ease the symptoms?
  5. Hi All- I am fairly new to this forum but stumbled across it this past year when I felt my addiction to this evil pill has taken its toll on me mentally, emotionally, and physically. I have been prescribed to ADHD meds for approximately 3/4 years, and would take it in college to get thru exams and raise my GPA. Initially, my Docs would bounce me around on different dosages of Adderall and finally, I was put on Vyvanse. I know it's a "smoother" ride but I can tell the side effects are just as detrimental. I am prescribed 30 mg/once a day and I find sometimes I double up, and shamefully have taken up to three pills in a day all bc of my high tolerance. I know I need to taper off somehow- I have always been a small/thin female, so having to fight to maintain my weight every day has been a huge struggle to not look anorexic or unhealthy To boot, I feel that days where I do not take it or I take only one pill (which is a pretty mild dose compared to most adults), I am just straight up unhappy, unmotivated, anxious, depressed, you name it. It is so discouraging because I am overall a happy, energetic, person - prior to the Adderall, I may have lacked focus, but nevertheless, I was myself. I just have low self-esteem and feel I can't get thru my job or life in general for that matter bc I am so ADHD and have grown heavily dependent. I want to be just as motivated, "intelligent," and happy without this small capsule having anything to do with it. I am writing this blog thru tears bc I am not able to talk to anyone about this who can really relate. I want to quit, I just need to know it will get better. I also should mention I drink A LOT on these meds bc of the stimulant effect it has, and it makes me want to drink. I realize the combo is absolutely toxic, but I feel like if I get this addiction under control or kicked to the curb entirely, that will alleviate the lack of control to imbibe. I started seeing a Naturopath bc I know that they do not prescribe synthetic drugs to alleviate problems so I feel it was a good start. I also have been "dabbling" with Nootropics such as Tyrosine, but as most of us know, it does not pale in comparison to the actual ADHD drugs themselves. I am sorry for the depressing rant, but anyone who has taken the time to read this, thank you for doing so and I would be more than grateful to hear any helpful tips for getting started on this long journey to a drug-free existence.
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