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Posts posted by duffman

  1. On 2/9/2018 at 4:00 PM, Speeder906 said:

    How long after quitting did you let yourself be lazy? I have heard some people need some recovery time and others need to just go right back into their life. 

    Few days clean and feel lazy and just wanna lay around all weekend eating.. but then another part of me knows I'm getting fatter by the day and I should go to the gym.  

    Where do you guys land on this?

    Everyone will probably provide a different answer on this one because it all depends what our preferred "escape" method to push through the cravings and lethargy associated with withdrawal. I performed light exercise almost immediately. But exercise is my escape - my salvation - during withdrawal. The one thing that allowed me to feel anything when I could otherwise feel nothing. I will say that the long walks in the park while listened to audiobooks proved to be more helpful early on than gym exercise. However, at some point (probably around 3 months) I started taking weight lifting seriously. I ordered a book off Amazon and stuck to the program and have been at it ever since. I'm pathologically afraid of weight gain, so the lay around and eat whatever I want method would've further stressed me out and probably would've resulted in a relapse.

  2. On 2/11/2018 at 5:09 PM, Kiona said:

    I live with my dad because I can't afford rent anywhere else; I pay him cheap rent. And he's had enough of my depression, always has. I can barely make myself get out of bed, and sometimes I can't even do that. He's spent every day of my recovery telling me how I'm hurting him by not doing things, that I'm lazy, that I'm worthless. Once he stood over me while I was crying in bed and promised to make me even more miserable than I already was. That if I don't start doing things and stop stressing him out and stop making the entire house darker, he's going to throw me and my shit onto the street without hesitation. He's "had enough" of my attitude.

    Today as I was leaving for work, he told me that I need to "stay away, leave and just stay away," he doesn't want me here. He's sick of me.

    I'm sick of me. I'm sick of being depressed. I'm sick of having to struggle to get out of bed in the morning. I'm sick of being told I'm worthless for it. I want to die. I want everything to end. I can't take this shit anymore, and I'm not going to. I would have already ended it, but I can't find a painless way to kill myself. I think I want to OD on something, but I don't have anything to OD on. I have access to a gun, but I'm afraid I won't hit my brain stem and then I'll be forced to live an even shittier life.

    I hate being alive.

    Maybe I'll get over this. I don't know if that'll be possible when I'm sleeping in my car, but maybe I will. I don't know. I'm just sick of it all.

    Yo Kiona, I'm up for talking whenever you are. I have suicidal thoughts every so often. They're a part of me. It's my brain wanting to opt out.. let go.. evade responsibility and be free at last. But, you must realize - as I learned to - that these thoughts are just that, thoughts. Mental perturbations that occur whenever my life feels like it's in free fall. They're not representing some grand realization that my life is worthless and I'd be better off dead. Your dad said things he probably immensely regrets now. We all say those things sometimes to people we love. Give yourself a week to reconsider. Talk to someone first. 

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  3. 6 hours ago, Cheeri0 said:

    Hey everyone. I've been clean from adderall for 1 year now (woo) and sober from alcohol for 11 months. This should be a happy time and an upbeat/celebratory post, but I'm struggling. My boyfriend of three years just ended things last night.

    Ultimately, I'm not sure if he could get past all the things I put him through when I was using. I know I have to accept the consequences of my actions, but I'm just beyond devastated right now. I really thought he was the one and I'm still so in love with him. I just don't know where to go from here. I don't want it to impact my recovery, but fuck. I've never hurt this bad.


    Truly a bittersweet moment for you. Right now, you need to take care of yourself instead of worrying about accepting the consequences of your past actions. I understand you're in a lot of pain right now and Adderall and/or alcohol may seem like very tempting options because they're reliably numbed you out in the past. But do not give in. This will probably be your most challenging trial yet. 

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  4. I'm able to relate to quite a bit of your journey with Adderall (albeit not getting back on it after two years, whew!). I, too, lost one of my best friends while I was in the midst of my Adderall addiction. Just thinking about it still makes me pause and my heart to sink a bit. He was a childhood friend from about the age of 8-9 and we formed a group of friends and hung out periodically over the years (we called each other 'The Four Horseman', awesome I know). I really have fond memories of those times and regret throwing away what I had in exchange for my fix of stimulant medication. What really got me was looking on his Facebook one day and seeing his bachelor party (I didn't even know he was engaged) and there were the three others of 'The Four Horseman' there doing shots and having a great time.. without me. Looking back, it's quite obvious why I lost him as a friend. I literally just cringed thinking about some of the things I said on Facebook or through text messages we had when I was cracked out on Adderall. Thinking about that situation helps remind me what I value in life.. what truly makes life worth living and grants the path to happiness is being surrounded by people who I love to be around. It sounds sappy, and probably is, but it's true.

    Why am I telling you this? Well, what do you value? Do you value being a cracked-out employee who grinds away for days at a time? It sounds like one of the things you value is being skinny, do you need Adderall for that? Is it even worth it if you socially isolate yourself with Adderall? Being off Adderall, I'm able to connect with people again. When I took Adderall in class, I thought everyone revered my intellectual prowess and admired my lightning-quick wit. After quitting Adderall and speaking with a group of friends I made (after quitting), one of them said "You know, you're pretty cool. We used to think you were a socially awkward weirdo who was kinda a kiss ass in class". I appreciated his forthrightness. 

    What is it you want out of life? 


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  5. 12 hours ago, Kimber said:

    I've been attempting to quit for a couple of months.  Down to 20-30 mg /day.

    Does anyone think Adderall causes thyroid and/or adrenal problems?  I have over researched this to the point of confusion and am afraid from what I've read that I can make it worse.  My neck/throat area sometimes feels like it has a pulsing heartbeat and is really sore when I wake up, plus my body is always really hot, but feet and hands sometime cold.  Like temperature gauge is off.

    1.  If stop Adderall cold turkey can this possible cause irreparable damage?

    2.  Any books or website suggestions for a SIMPLE TO FOLLOW, step by step on how to safely heal, help and/or repair any thyroid and/or adrenal problems.  Like I said I have over bombarded myself with information and feel stuck.

    This really is the pits.  Tired of Adderall totally taking up my life...whether obsessing about not using it, then if I take it, obsessing and beat myself up for succumbing, then off to obsessively clean house and do more research!  I've killed 100's of trees with all my printed info on this crap..


    You know, I went down the same rabbit hole trying to figure out how to heal my thyroid and/or how to heal my adrenal glands. I bought tons of audiobooks, read tons of articles on various websites, and read countless anecdotes online about how to heal my thyroid and/or adrenal glands. Well, I took a blood test to see what my TSH looked like and it was within normal limits, so I gave up on the thyroid and focused on my adrenal glands. The best book I found, which has both the information and a guide for healing your adrenal glands, is called "The Adrenal Reset Diet: Strategically Cycle Carbs and Proteins to Lose Weight, Balance Hormones, and Move from Stressed to Thriving" by Alan Christianson. It seemed to help, but I also stopped taking stimulant medications entirely when I followed the protocol, so I can't say with 100% certainty that this was the reason why I started feeling better (eventually). Worth look into, good information. As @Greg said above, you need to stop the Adderall and let your begin the healing process. You're still taking something that is artificially jacking up various neurotransmitters and catecholamines, thus inhibiting your body's ability to begin healing and rebalancing itself. 

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  6. So there are people who come to these forums with a sort of defensive stance on Adderall where they admit it's becoming a problem but aren't truly ready to give it up. They'll suggest trying to take a "controlled, moderate dose, you know, as prescribed" or "I'll just take it as needed", but as you have (rightfully) stated, that just doesn't work, at least for not any meaningful amount of time. I tried the "I'll just take it AS NEEDED approach!", but then I'll have an interview where I'll think "Okay, this is definitely a time where I'm going to take Adderall". Then the first day comes up, "Well, I need to make a good first impression! *Takes Adderall*". Second week comes up, "They're starting to give me more responsibilities, better take an Adderall so I can keep up with the pace", and right back down the path of 'taking mega doses and running out early' I go. 

    You're ripe for the quittin', now you're just needing a plan of escape. Sounds like you have a mixed support system at home. They're probably willing to show you unconditional support for whatever you do, but may not be able to relate to what you're going through. That's where these forums come in. We get it. That's why I've been on here for almost two years. I went the cold turkey approach because I was still in school and I could sort of coast under the radar. I didn't have any real responsibilities besides exist in class, occasionally interact with people for an assignment, and answer a series of multiple choice questions for the exams. Working is a different story and you may want to ask some others about a tapering schedule where you gradually lower your dose over a series of weeks (sometimes months) till you eventually come off entirely. It'll be a softer landing and should allow you to keep working. 

    Welcome aboard! This may be one of the toughest things you've ever had to do, but it's absolutely worth it. I've been off for 1 year and 8 months after using Adderall (and vyvanse.. and zenzedi.. and all variants of stimulants) for 1 year and abusing Adderall for 5 years. I was so far into addiction that I went into stimulant-induced psychosis. I'm doing great now. I still can't believe where I started and where I am now. I really.. REALLY.. thought I was a lost cause and I'd be on Adderall till my aorta would rupture from the extremely high blood pressure it gave me. You can do this!!

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  7. You know, I can't find it now, but I once made a post on here about all the potential health problems I thought I accrued throughout my years of abuse. Thinking about it now makes me cringe because of how outlandish my worries were. I remember I thought I had some combination of Cushing's syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal fatigue, a vast array of heart conditions.. just a bunch of stuff and all the product of years of Adderall abuse. And I've seen this before from other users on this forum too. We tend to become obsessive about every little health-related thing and begin searching for anecdotes on the internet to support our theory that our health is in peril. In reality, it was my anxiety on overdrive. I went to multiple doctors to discuss my worries and they all gave me the same wide-eyed expression and would promptly begin talking to me about my mental health, sometimes offering an antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication. What I'm getting at is you're not alone with this anxiety about your health after Adderall abuse. And no, I'm not saying you SHOULDN'T go to a physician, I'm not qualified to judge that over the internet. But if they run tests and you come back normal and they don't seem alarmed, then I would trust their judgment. Tell your physician everything. They've heard it all and would relieved that you're being forthright with them so they can help you. 

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  8. First off, I would also like to compliment you on your ability to convey your thoughts and feelings through writing. Your writing style is very eloquent and powerfully captures the various moods and emotions you've been experiencing throughout this journey. Like many mini-memoirs (as Cheeri0 cleverly put it) on this site, I can profoundly relate to a lot of what you're saying. 

    I read the entirety of your post last night (very late last night... with a couple of drinks in me) and missed where you might've stated this, but were you on Adderall when you wrote this? I ask because, through personal experience and speaking to others who are on Adderall, there tends to be certain shared characteristics with someone's.. let's call it delivery of information, when they're peaking on Adderall. This includes a certain extensiveness when conveying information and a stream of consciousness quality to their writing/speaking, which I picked up a lot on in your post. 

    Let me ask, are you hesitating quitting Adderall because you're afraid you will lose your ability to think like you do when you're on it? If not, what's keeping you coming back to it? From what I remember reading last night, your post creates a perfect picture of a steady descent in your quality of life after you starting using (abusing) Adderall. You have a beautiful mind, I can tell with how you articulate yourself and the fact that you're a neuroscientist, but I'm still struggling to gauge why this is even a decision. Relative to your potential, you're in a low place right now, which sounds like an inherent bad thing but this is exactly the catalyst needed for change. There's no better time in your life to quit than now. I quit in the middle of physical therapy school because I just couldn't stand the person I became (socially withdrawn, uncaring, cold, callous, anxious and a whole bunch of other adjectives to describe someone who is just plain miserable and miserable to be around), and I have not one moments regret about my decision. What Greg said above is absolutely on the money. On Adderall, I was accomplishing a bunch of things.. in my own deluded reality. Objectively, my life was in free fall and was ready to lose everything (my relationship, my close friends.. even my future career as I started having panic attacks during social interactions). 

    Do it. Quit now and post your progression on this site. We've been where you're at, trust me. It will be the single best decision you've ever made in your life. 


  9. This is a perfect example of taking ownership of your situation and proactively doing something about it. It's okay to logon to vent on these forums. I mean, I get it. But, after a while, you start to realize that these problems are yours. You're the one experiencing the pain. And you're the one who can do something about it. I'm very happy to hear you're finding some relief and gaining some control back in your life. It's empowering to find something that provides you some control over your problems. I, too, use exercise as a tool to manage and ultimately minimize my problems/suffering throughout this recovery process. I personally cannot imagine recovering from Adderall without exercising. But, to each their own. If exercise just really isn't their thing, then I hope they find something. Keep us updated on your progress!!

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  10. Hmm.. worth a shot? It did not relieve any fatigue-related symptoms I was experiencing early on in my post-Adderall recovery. However, I've read from multiple sources that people's response to this drug varies greatly, meaning some people tend to have a very positive experience from Modafinil while others tend to experience nothing more than a headache. I certainly belong in the latter group, but who knows, you may respond well to it. I know the abuse potential with Modafinil is relatively low compared to Adderall. This must be in part due to the apparent lack of euphoric feelings from taking Modafinil. 

    Hope you find some relief soon. 

  11. Yes, I have tried to use Modafinil in place of Adderall. It's important to know that Modafinil is a wakefulness promoting agent, not a stimulant. Here are my experiences:

    -It does not give any detectable sense of euphoria. 

    -I didn't even notice it was doing anything at first. The only indication I got that it was working (or doing ANYTHING for that matter) was being unable to fall asleep at night. It pretty much removed the sensation of sleepiness. Hence it being correctly labeled as a 'wakefulness promoting agent'.

    -Close friends and family members noticed I was more "edgy" while on Modafinil. I experienced this as increased anxiety.

    -Gave me a HUGE headache at the end of the day. 

    -Gave me significant jaw tightness. 

    -Made my piss smell funky. 

    -No real or perceived cognitive benefits (though people purport to experience cognitive enhancement in various online forums).

    -And perhaps most importantly did NOT diminish any effects of Adderall withdrawal. 


  12. Interesting insights and yes I can say I've had a similar experience through my Adderall years that still impacts my thinking to this day. I can't say I've ever been a very religious person at any point in my life, but taking Adderall really opened my mind to philosophy surrounding morality and scientific understanding. I remember listening to the book "A Short History of Nearly Everything" and it absolutely blew my mind. It really served to open to floodgates to my desire to understand the universe, our planet, people and societies, science, and moral values. I listened to the book again off my meds and still found it profoundly entertaining to listen to. In fact, I feel I truly understand things more accurately off Adderall, as I realized about 10 minutes into the book that I didn't absorb very much on my first go-round under the influence. There's a term popularized by (or perhaps created by) Richard Dawkins called "Consciousness Raising", which implies a process by which people are exposed to information or ways of thinking that expand their own thinking, very often permanently. I believe this term Consciousness Raising is what you and I went through when we took Adderall. 

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  13. Oh yeah - you are DEFINITELY ready to quit Adderall. This self-loathing thing you're doing is actually progress, though I'm sorry you're going through it. And no, you do not deserve to be alone, though I understand where you're coming from, I felt the same way towards the end of my stimulant addiction. What you're going through now is a process of self-realization. You're realizing how you've affected the people around you with your Adderall usage and beginning to take ownership of the situation. This does not mean you're a monster or a psychopath. If you were a natural "monster" or psychopath, you would've been this way prior to Adderall, which is sounds like you weren't. Your brain is going through a tumultuous journey of fluctuating levels of neurotransmitters. Your brain cannot strike a balance, so it sends you into various states ranging from panic, to depression, to disassociation, and to apathy. Just remind yourself - THIS IS PART OF THE PROCESS. This isn't some grand realization that you're a terrible person no matter how much your brain is trying to convince you otherwise. 

    You're going to be tested throughout this process, but whatever happens, you will handle it. I probably had to tell myself that upwards to a million times throughout my recovery.. 'Whatever happens, I will handle it'. 


    Please reach out to me or anyone else on this board if you need help, and keep posting!! 

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  14. 21 hours ago, Frank B said:

    I'd like to say your dead wrong it gets so much better. But you know what fuck you might just be right it's 14 months for me and I still work like a 90 year old man. Sure I can hit the gym etc be fine. But when it comes down to bust your ass earn a hards day pay im truely pathetic. I've done everything on here eat right, take supplements, exersize and it's still the same. Fucking sick of it people say keep going etc but no ones donating to my family to keep me going nor should they. Fact is we all need to work some harder then others and if we can't do that how can we survive? I haven't been honest on here for awhile try to stay positive for people trying to quit but know what I don't have much to be positive about and no one has a fucking solution besides keep sticking it out 2, 3 , 5 years when does it end ?!?!! I really don't know what to do my mindset at this point if I go back on addy die of a stroke and can give my kids life insurance money they will be better then having me not making money at all because I can't get my act together being a dead beat motherfucker. Something has to change soon I'm at a breaking point with this "recovry" bs fucking heroin addicts recover in less time. Just look at all the other substance abusers when they quit get their life's back then look at us we quit year later we'll I still can't really work hard , I hate work, everyday fucking sucks but I'm sober. This is my rant maybe tomorrow will be a better day but sick of keeping all these feelings bottled up. 

    Hey Frank!

    I really appreciate you writing this because I too think there tends to be an excessive amount of "It will get better" and "stay positive!"s going around on many posts. This in itself isn't really a bad thing however it tends to make people who need to let their frustrations out and to expose their pain and suffering have a more difficult time having a voice in the conversation. No one wants to seem like a downer in all this, but in reality we all feel like you do in this post at times. We all want each other to succeed in this shit-venture, and to do that, we need space to voice both the positives AND negatives of our experience. I know I'm guilty of this at times. I log on with the intent of expressing my frustrations in order to deliver a message of 'Yeah, you're not alone in your suffering', only to see a lot of positivity and I don't want to be the cause of bringing people down when they're already going through so much shit. So again Frank, thank you.

    You and I are in a unique position (or at least I think we are), because we quit multiple medications at once. I quit antidepressants, benzodiazepines, amphetamines (Adderall), and phenibut all within the past 2 years. I have no doubt Adderall has been a major contributor (likely the biggest contributor), however I can't say how much the other medications are contributing in all this. For example, I still can't sleep and it's driving me insane. I've tried EVERYTHING and nothing works. I still feel like I could pass out mid morning -> late afternoon, yet am annoyingly awake at 11PM. Last night, I took a small dose of leftover benzo in order to fall asleep. I relapsed on benzos, and I can't say I regret it because I felt pretty good today. I'm pretty sure I can control this because I originally needed the benzo to help ease my Adderall crash, so I'm hoping I don't become dependent on this shit. There's a phenomenon called "PAWS", standing for Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. This phenomenon very possibly true for Adderall, but is most definitely and verifiably true with opioids (pain meds). Keep in mind you might be experiencing PAWS from your pain medication use. The shitty thing about PAWS is it can last several years (~2 years, but I've read stories where it has lasted for 5!). I'm not sure if that's an encouraging thing to hear, but it may provide insight as to why you're feeling the way you are feeling. 

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