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  1. Thanks for those last few post Frank and Bluemoon, and yes, when I stumbled upon this website, I started to see that light at the end of the tunnel, this is awesome to have support there like this and to hear from so many that you can get through this and it does get better. Im weening myself down at the moment by half of what I was prescribed, and when I feel good at this I'm going to try and cut it in half again. So far at 3 days of my half does, it's been dragging for sure but I know I need to do it. I'm feeling that fatigue and anxiety, it's manageable though for the moment. Nervous about when I cut this dose in half, feel like it might be a few weeks but I don't want to try and just drop it either because I feel it will likely just result at me losing all progress made so far. Thank you all for the time to post the support you've all been giving me. It's much appreciated, means a lot to hear from people getting through this telling me I can also. I want it so badly, I'm so sick of this stuff, I can't wait to feel like I don't need it anymore just like when I used to smoke cigarettes and couldn't wait to not be dependent on those either. You guys are awesome, thank you
  2. Awesome analogy, it's much appreciated. I can see focusing might take awhile to get back to, but once the physical addiction is over, am I going to still feed tired and sleepy all the time? That's what I'm mostly nervous about.
  3. Yeah, I kinda use it during drinking too:/ I know that's going to be when I want it. With the mental block though, is your body still easily tired/feel like you can't wake up? Like that feeling if you go a day or two without and you lay down for just a second and waking up later cuz you feel asleep put of nowhere? Or is it just the "wanting" it to do whatever better and your body feels fine? I feel like if I can get my body to feel normal, the mental addiction I can overcome soon after. And I have been on 60mg/day for about 6 years now... Usually find a way to get a little more a few days out of each month.
  4. Yeah, I've pulled many all nighters, don't take much though, I was diagnosed an insomniac when I was a kid, i'de stay up for 2 -3 days in a row normally, wasn't til I was about 10 I started sleeping normalish... I don't know how I'll get anxiety out of nowhere months down the road. Anyone else have anymore mental addiction examples? I'de love to hear some more:)
  5. I been on this crap for to long now, I can feel it taking its toll on me, I'm getting ready to kick it. I've completely successfully quit cigarettes, haven't had one since 2007 and smoked for ten years before that, also, quit while on adderall. I keep that in my mind that I am a strong willed person and if I can kick that, know that feeling I want to be done with something and that's where I am with adderall, I feel like it's going to suck significantly more, but I'm ready. I keep reading how the physical addiction only takes a few weeks for most people, but the mental addiction can take months to years... What am I to expect with the mental addiction? I feel like once I get past that feeling that my body is weak and tired and I'm done nodding off on accident, that I will be done with it... But from what I'm reading about the mental addiction is that I won't be. Can anyone shed some light on this for me please? Appreciate it much:)
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