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Posts posted by Subtracterall

  1. 19 hours ago, m34 said:

    It only gets harder and harder to quit. Especially, since stims make us believe we can take on the world. In my job everyone I work with is on stims. 

    we just hired two new people this week (both on stims!). Half the activity everyone is doing is non- productive. I think that’s why I’ve kept my job

    in hindsight. 
    I’ve been able to help manage and to help prioritize activities.  I wasted 10 yrs being so called “productive”. Now I’m more productive on things that do matter.  I do the work that actually needs to be done and stay out of fairytale land of 20 projects at once. (Although, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss that invincible feeling).

    I also have communicated my needs better. Adderall made me a yes person.  Now I can put up better boundaries. Sorry for the ramble hope that helps 

    Im curious, How do you know the people Recently hired are on stimulants?  It seems like that would be a reason to not hire them.  Is being on adderall at work and everyone knowing about it ok at your job?  I always thought if people found out I was in adderall it would affect my reputation at work negatively. 

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  2. The anxiety definitely went away for me.  It took a long time tho. My anxiety was so bad. It was chronic. But it became less little by little over time.  I haven’t had any anxiety in months.  Stick with it. You gotta get through this part and it will get better. 

  3. I have the same question.  When I quit adderall I had all the symptoms of diabetes.  And I thought I was getting it.  Of course it could have been the phychosis making me think that, but I still have tingling feet and ive been off adderall 2.5 years. I strongly suspect that my tingling feet are from my long term adderall use..  I’m Pretty sure I was tested for diabetes. I know for sure that adderall can weaken the body and that makes it more susceptible to illness.  Wonder if anyone else has any insight on this. I hope you get better soon. I’m sorry you are having to deal with this. 

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  4. Hi Cassi.  Congrats on making it one year. I’m sorry you are struggling with this.  

    The recovery takes a very long time for some of us. I took adderall for 12 years and I am 2.5 years off.

    At one year off, I was not doing as well as I wanted to either...

    I have read on this site from people who try going back on adderall, that it won’t take you back to any semblance of the honey moon phase or even the productive high energy phase. They say when you go back on it, your tolerance kicks in pretty quickly and soon you are back to square one and wanting to quit again.

    I was still seeing improvement in myself all through the second year.  What if you give it one more year off adderall and then reevaluate.

    i sometimes think about going back on a low dose too. But I don’t want to have to quit again and that pretty much stops me from considering it further. 

    Remember we are older than we used to be when we stared adderall too. So some of the low energy we feel could be partly from just being older. 

    Sorry for rambling all over the place. But I wanted to reply even if it was messy and unorganized.  Have you tried any exercise lately? Aerobic exercise will release endorphins and improve your mood.  Even a brisk walk can make a difference.  

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  5. Welcome mcmc.  Smart move on the FMLA. Def see if your doctor will back you working from home for a month too. Good plan. I’m also an IT Analyst and also took for over ten years. I’ve been off for two years now. I kept my job but my reputation suffered because of my slower job performance.  I don’t enjoy my job but it does pay decent so I stay. I’m curious if you leave your job what will you do?  To answer your question, Wellbutrin seems to help people come off adderall because there is a bit of a stimulant effect with it.  I’m excited for you to rediscover true connections with people again!  You’re doing the right thing by quitting.  Please keep us posted on your journey! 

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  6. Thanks for your response. I haven’t always been this tired in my recovery so that is the good news. You’re right I’m probably just In a rut. And it makes a lot of sense what you say about how when you find something you are passionate about it lights up that inner drive. I hadn’t thought of that. You have some really good ideas. Adderall made me feel excited about things artificially. So off of adderall I’m no longer interested in what I was interested in while I was on and I feel lost. I’m going to work on finding things I’m passionate about naturally and see if I can’t break myself out of this. Good job on being off addy and I hope you break out of your rut too. 

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  7. Guess I just need to vent because I know there is no solution to being tired all the time. If you know a magic recipe to naturally increasing energy I am desperate to try anything.

    I’m much older now than before I got hooked. But I have been off for 2 years and 3 months and I feel tired all the time and all I want to do when I have spare time is rest. Is this normal or could I still be experiencing the aftermath of being on adderall for 12 years?

    Maybe this is the way people who were never addicted to adderall feel at age 44?

    maybe it’s hormonal?

    For the past two years I have allowed myself to be as lazy as I wanted. But I’m beginning to wonder if I am ever going to feel natural energy again. Is it all downhill from here?  


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  8. I hear ya. I thought about going to one too. Here is why I haven’t: no matter what they say I am staying off any prescription mind altering drugs. Also the tests that they would have to run to diagnose anything are too expensive out of pocket (My mom has Alzheimer’s and to diagnose her it took 4 different tests, one of them cost $2,500 out of pocket luckily she  has Medicare). And I will bet you a million dollars that insurance won’t pay for those tests just because we took adderall for a decade and “suspect we have brain damage”.  Maybe in a country with universal healthcare It might be different I don’t know.  

    I just don’t see the value in it. I have a strong suspicion that if I went and said “hey doc I took adderall for 12 years and my Mom has Alzheimer’s and I’m worried I will get it too. What can you do for me?” I bet they can’t do a darn thing.  

    But then I could be wrong. If you decide to go please share your experience with us. 

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  9. There is so much because I was on it for such a long time.  The most recent nutty  thing i remember toward the end of my use was that I was convinced that the United States was about to be hit by an EMP while I was at work. So I packed hiking boots, water, and an emergency bug out back pack with city street maps, food etc. and kept it in my car.  I wanted to make sure I had proper shoes to get me to the daycare to pick up my son when it happened. Because the EMP was going to fry my car. I pictured myself hiking across the dark city and freeways of fried cars to get my son.  I considered bringing my bike with me to work everyday but I couldn’t figure out how to do it practically without it getting stolen.

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  10. I’m so sorry you are going through this. Yes, this sounds like Adderall induced behavior. I went through something similar when I got hooked on Adderall. I Left my high school sweetheart after we were together 5.5 years and went through college together. He didn’t do anything wrong. He was wonderful and a fantastic partner. Adderall turned me into someone I didn’t recognize. I went from head over heals in love with him to all of a sudden (enter Adderall) I wanted to be away from him and I didn’t even understand why.  It was the Adderall “trance”.  To this day, twenty years later, I still regret leaving him. I think your ex will unfortunately regret what he has done too. Someday. He can hit rock bottom no matter how much money he has access to.  Adderall honeymoon does not last. It’s only a matter of time.

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  11. Thank you for sharing your experience. We took for a silimar length of time and dose so I’m sure it would be similar for me if I went back on a small dose.  Sometimes I fantasize about going back onto 5 mg to see if I can get ahead at work for a bit but hearing your experience makes me see that’s a bad idea. Hope you are feeling better. 

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  12. This is great news, way to go SS.  It’s taken me my whole life to figure our that those things you speak of: stable job, normal life, loving spouse, and the ability to plan for the future - those are big accomplishments.  I have to recognize that because in the aftermath of Adderall addiction that’s pretty much what I have achieved too. And those are big deals.  They really are!  I believe it will continue to get even better the farther away we get from the Adderall addicted life.  

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  13. Yes, way to go. You made the right decision and you should be proud of yourself. I’m proud of you!  BTW I lost my post Adderall weight gain with a low/no sugar, high protein and healthy fats diet.  That’s the “diet” I’m sticking with because it really works and I don’t even consider it a diet because I don’t feel deprived of anything. Stay away from processed food And sugar. Taking any drug for weight loss just isn’t sustainable. Healthy eating and exercise is.  You can do this!

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  14. 13 hours ago, SeanW said:

    I'm so tired.. so tired of this.. so tired of pain.. I don't want to be here anymore.. 

    These feelings are going to pass.  It’s going to get better.  Slumps don’t last. What can you do right now to make you feel better.  Get outside and go for a walk in nature and get some sun on your skin. Hang in there. Be kind to yourself right now.  You can get through this and you will be even stronger for it. 

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  15. 13 minutes ago, oswhid said:

    I'm guessing you all are a lot younger but adderall plus the blood pressure medicines (plural) Mr Oswhidhad to get on due to taking the adderall pretty much took care of the sex thing.   He was 49 and fit when he got on it.  This is what you guys have to look forward to.


    Did the blood pressure medicine help him enjoy sex again or are you saying Adderall ruined his sex life forever?  

  16. I never took more than prescribed on purpose.  I took 40 mg per day for 12 years.

    One time I forgot that I already took my noon dose and popped another 20 mg but I didn’t feel much different with the increased dose probably because I had a hell of a tolerance.  

    I was scared to take more then I was supposed to of Adderall but I abused other things like alcohol and cannibus pretty hard throughout my addiction. 

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