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Everything posted by alepfeif

  1. Yea i know what you mean and for the most part they wont. None of my friends can relate to me and my parents still dont u derstand. I discovered this website over a year ago but am glad i rediscovered it today. I took 100 to 200 mg daily if you can call it daily because most of my days used to just run together. Now being a month clean i have been dealing with insominia and depression this week but i know its part of the recovery process. I hope you make the step to quit and that we can help each other. Sincerely, Alex
  2. Hi Alli, i can relate very much to your post as I am currently going through the same struggle. I just turned 22 and have been out of college for a year now due to adderall abuse. I have recently suffered a relapse in december but have since been clean a month. I have flushed 100s of pills down the toilet over past year and a half after i realized i was addicted to adderall. I hope you take a leap of faith and decide to quit knowing you will eventually see improvement in your life. My hardest struggle in overcoming my addiction has been going through the process completely alone. Just know that you are not alone and i encourage you to talk about your struggle and decision to quit with parents and close friends because it will be a difficult journey without them. I decided to quit about a year and a half ago but my longest time without adderall has been 67 days with several relapses during that time. I am just now opening up to family and friends about my problems and am now at 33 days clean and counting. You are menatlly strong enough if you know you need to quit and have sought help which it appears you have done so the next step is to do it and be prepared for a tough road to recovery. You can get through this.
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