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QuittingAdderall.com Forums

Sadder all

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Everything posted by Sadder all

  1. Thanks a lot for your support! adderall is a seriously wacky thing to be feeding to people. Especially kids considering its euphoric and addictive nature. Im lookin forward to life without it. I'm glad I found this site and ill be back to let y'all know how im doin n junk. WEED NOT SPEED
  2. I've been prescribed to addy for about 4 yrs 30 mg, I sell about 20 of the 30 pills I get for free thru insurance, but every time I refill it I end up binging on em, and I'm just realizing I've been in psychosis and shit, and I can tell when I take addy it knocks some noggin screws loose temporarily. I'm psyched to quit for good and see how I like my head clear and all my own. I feel zombied out sometimes and that really fucks me up with social anxiety and shit. I always go like a few weeks between scripts and I always notice that I laugh 20x more and carry alot more tact in doing my job, carrying conversations, and making decisions. I've tried to quit before but this time it's in print and I spent a sleepless night researching how fucked this stuff is, so i have fairly high hopes. Wish me luck still! Peace
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