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StAnne0822 last won the day on December 2 2021

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  1. I'm pulling for you! You can do it! Get far away from this poison, life is so much better without it. It takes time and a lot to get through but you can do it if I could!!
  2. Two years ago I landed in the hospital for 10 days, admitted myself into an outpatient program believing I was depressed. Walked out understanding I had an addiction to Adderall. My Dr had been prescribing it to me for almost 10 years as he explained I "needed it to function". Over time, as the hospital explained to me, I recently pulled the records from my stay there, that I was experiencing hypomania, paranoia, delusional thoughts, physical issues with tremors, sweating, horrible stomach problems, believed I was "perfect" while I was plummeting to rock bottom. As I was safely and forcefully removed from the drug, received many hours of therapy I was able to feel alive again. One year prior to admitting myself into the hospital I told my primary care Dr I was "numb and unable to feel happy ", he tried giving me welbutrin that made me sick so he said just stop taking it. For years I saw him as the hospital pulled all my records and I gave him reason after reason to stop prescribing. He was my dealer for a growing addiction. Off the drug now 2 years I am successful in a job again (lost my 23 year successful career as my former boss thought I was on drugs...I was...Adderall...we have spoken extensively about my behavior she observed), I no longer shake, stomach problems are non existent, sweating only when I exert myself....I'm "normal" and well again! That drug had me believing I was Superman while it drove me to twice ready to end my life unable to understand why I couldn't sleep, couldn't shut off the noise in my brain, constant noise and voices....all gone! If you are here considering getting off Adderall, it is not easy but you can do it! Seek help, don't give up and focus on one step at a time getting away from being dependent on such an evil poison. It almost cost me my life, drove me to requiring extreme help. I pray no one reaches that point! God bless you all on this site as you consistently share what the hospital educated me on with the effects of taking Adderall daily for years. Never give up!!
  3. Thank you for sharing and I'm sorry for all you and your family have faced. Until December of last year, when I finally hit rock bottom on prescription Adderall, I was exactly like your wife. She needs help, away from whomever is filling her prescription. I couldn't take the incessant noise, confusion, paranoia, and delusional thoughts to the point that I almost ended my life. Ended up in an inpatient program, they gave me an intervention several days in, and neither my wife or I knew that's what was causing the problems. I was out of control in my mind, they brought me back to reality and set me on a course to rehabilitation. I'm 11 months removed from Adderall, just publicly shared my story on Facebook and have had many people reach out and say they really thought something was wrong with me 4 and 5 years ago. It has been eye opening and validating that I lost control of my mind on the evil medication. Please if you have some way to do so, for your kids, get your wife into the hospital. You may save her life. God bless you and your family!!
  4. Any advice you'd offer my wife? I've been off adderall for 11 months and no longer experiencing psychotic effects. Thank you for sharing!
  5. Did you remain married? My wife refuses to believe adderall effected me. I spent 10 days in the hospital, requiring an intervention that she refuses to talk about. I took 30 mg xr daily for 10 years.
  6. @sleepystupid I am ashamed of my behavior! I know she is a victim, and I know the use of the medication became progressively worse on my brain, causing pyschotic effects that I now can look back on and say I was not normal. I've never done drugs in my life, had no idea I was high, was with a therapist for 7 weeks while I started on it and now know she gravitates to the prescription approach...completely wrong!!! I took the medication and saw my primary care physician twice a year because of my heart rate and family history of stroke, which that alone should've stopped my dr. Many other side effects were visible to him and documented in my medical records as the hospital confirmed he should've pulled me. We are both victims is my point and in a marriage, it should be a partnership in sickness and in health. I increasingly had issues thinking, being happy, became suicidal, and couldn't understand what was wrong, then each morning pop that pill and all was good, drink at night to sleep as I couldn't shut off!! I had no idea the drug was "speed", and took it as I was told I needed it, felt horrible when I didn't so I believed it. It made me believe nothing was wrong, then I look back after 10 days in the hospital in December and now 80 hours of therapy to fully understand it caused me to experience psychotic effects that grew exponentially worse and dangerous. In talking with friends who had no idea I was on a medication I now tell them and they say "that explains a lot". My wife, my kids, and I are all victims. My kids almost didn't have a father after November when I experienced an amphetamine driven break. It was hell, the drug should be banned and I hope anyone who is reading this and is married to someone taking it...get that person help and off it. If you are taking it and reading this, take a long look at yourself and your behavior and seek help....both of which I wish happened for me years ago!!! I appreciate your feedback and hope you understand there is a lot to this, but to have every physical issue resolved that I had over 10 years, all mental issues resolved, tells me my Dr was negligent for keeping me on the drug. You have no idea when you are on it that long that anything is wrong....to me everyone else was wrong for years....didn't matter what it was, I was always right and I know that isn't the truth, that was the most insidious thing the drug did to me.
  7. Thank you for this! My wife believes I had control when the hospital I went to has explained I experienced pyschotic effects from adderall. I was experiencing mania, paranoia, delusional thoughts, anehedonia and I had so many physical issues from the side effects of this evil drug that I never needed or should've had prescribed to me. She believes I had control over the effects that caused to behave horribly. I was irritable, I lied, I was unable to concentrate and apparently told my Dr 2 years ago I wasn't enjoying life. The hospital I checked into in November explained that my primary care was negligent as he watched me shake, have a high heart rate, sweat, talk about anxiety, have stomach problems and each year he'd give me a 10 minute test, tell me I had ADHD and "needed" adderall. It was killing me and hurting everyone around me. Thank you for the positive words. I'm trying to encourage my wife to visit this site, heal with me for our kids, for each other...once I took adderall I lost control!
  8. I was officially 8 months off adderall on July 1st and it hurts to know the hold it had on me. I took it as a prescription daily for 10 years, 30 mg xr. It ended up causing pyschotic effects with mania, paranoia, delusional thoughts and many physical issues, yet I took it daily believing I was perfect! It hurt my marriage that I'm trying to now save! I'm running out of energy daily and I know it's both exhaustion from the lack of stimulant as well as focusing my energy to save my marriage. Any helpful advice on regaining your energy? I'm trying protein shakes, high protein diet and still I am sluggish. Any thoughts on how I can explain to my wife adderall made me out of control for years? I'm now telling people I was on it and I hear "that explains a lot" or "that explains your odd behavior". I appreciate your help!
  9. Were you able to save marriage off the evil drug?
  10. Thank you for sharing! I was told I was similar to an alcoholic by my counseling.
  11. I was told I was similar to an alcoholic by my counseling.
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